Out with it!
What the zodiac signs should “clean up” in 2022

© OlegRi / Shutterstock
Whether it’s a bad habit, a negative mindset or the old sports clothes – the stars reveal what you definitely don’t need anymore this year!
Zodiac sign Capricorn (22.12 – 20.1.)
Capricorns have insanely high demands on themselves. That’s why it’s incredibly difficult for them to seek help. What should definitely be “cleaned out” in 2022 is the belief “I have to do this alone”. Better replace with “No matter what happens – I’m not alone”.
Zodiac sign Aquarius (21.1. – 19.2.)
Is the partner clinging too much? A friendship requires way too much attention? Do you feel restricted and under pressure, although your personal freedom is so important to you? Time to pull the emergency brake and give these people less – or if it feels really toxic – no place at all in your life.
Zodiac sign Pisces (20.2.-20.3.)
The plush heart from the nineties, the candles that have almost burned out, the pairs of gloves that you simply never wear because they are impractical – no matter how much you, as a Pisces zodiac sign, love romantic decorations and gadgets: at some point it’s enough. With so much junk, you can hardly appreciate the individual things. So it’s better to concentrate on fewer things and then stage them really nicely!
Zodiac sign Aries (21.3. – 20.4.)
Who is the boss? Of course the ram. That’s why everyone should dance to his tune. Right here is a chance to “detox” a bit in 2022. Desire for power is often associated with conflicts. And in 2022 there may well be less of that for you. So: When it comes to things that aren’t really that important to you, it’s okay to shift down a gear and let others take precedence.
Zodiac sign Taurus (21.4. – 20.5.)
Enjoyment is the top priority for the zodiac sign Taurus. Unfortunately, this often means that you stock up on far too many delicious things, some of which you save for special moments until they no longer taste good. Like your countless white wine bottles, for example. So, get to the decluttering!
Zodiac Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Well, does your shoe rack look like a shoe store? And could it be that it’s because – a typical Gemini trait – you’re just so bad at making decisions? Your approach: Then the boots are bought in brown AND black. Well, the shoe closet is overflowing anyway. Time for a kick inventory!
Zodiac sign Cancer (22.6. – 22.7.)
The zodiac sign Cancer is good at many things. Unfortunately, also be extremely moody. Of course, that is often exhausting for those around you. That’s why January would be a great opportunity to take active countermeasures and throw your moods on the emotional compost. It transforms everything bad into something good can grow on. The right mindset is the starting point. How about the following to-do for 2022: Write a positive list every morning: “3 things I’m looking forward to today…”
Zodiac sign Leo (23.7.-23.8.)
Be honest: How many sports clothes are flying around in your closet that you haven’t worn in ages? Time to put things in order and sort things out. And for the training effect, do a few squats from time to time!
Zodiac sign Virgo (24.8. to 23.9.)
Control, perfectionism, discipline – do you find yourself in these three terms? In 2022 it will be time to loosen things up a bit. Let go when you need relief. Whether you delegate more tasks at work or in the family environment, where you take on all the responsibility at every party, for example. You don’t always have to play the hero:in. Take a deep breath instead!
Zodiac sign Libra (24.9. – 23.10.)
A Libra passion is photography. That’s why you may well find yourself suffocating in digital and developed photos. Only one thing helps: use a whole day to sort through the chaos. Photo books, stick them in albums, file them in digital folders – and of course delete all the photos that are irrelevant from the hard drive or throw them away.
Zodiac sign Scorpio (24.10. – 22.11.)
Does der:die ex still haunt your head? And in connection with destructive thoughts of revenge? Even if that is easier said than done: Let go! If you’re stuck on your own, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Wanting revenge only leads to resentment and keeps you from finding new love.
Zodiac sign Sagittarius (23.11.-21.12.)
Sagittarians are real visionaries. That’s why they felt like they had a thousand good business ideas. Of course, not all of them can be implemented. So let’s sift through: Which ones are REALLY worth putting energy into?