Horoscope: You can look forward to this especially this summer – according to the zodiac sign

Just go outside without putting on warm clothes for a quarter of an hour. Getting up in the morning and going to bed in the evening without even turning on the light in the apartment. Volunteer to jump out of bed early on the weekend because so many beautiful things are planned for the free time. All of this is summer. And much more.

In summer, the mood barometer rises for most people without anything special having to happen. Lots of people are easier to get along with, friendlier, more enterprising and fun-loving. Especially after the Corona winter, we really appreciate even “small” freedoms, such as sitting with the beast in a café with a wine spritzer or ice cream.

Our universe is by and large well on us this summer as well. Mars sends positive energies, first from Leo, later from Virgo. Lots of falling stars from the librids in early June to the Perseids in August inspire and encourage us to hope and dream. You can find out in our picture gallery what you can look forward to according to the zodiac signs this summer.

Would you like to know more about yourself and the other zodiac signs? If you are interested in relationships and partnerships, you can find out more in our partner horoscope. There you will find tips and information for all possible zodiac pairings. Would you like to know in general how the twelve types of zodiac act in relationships and what they need? You can read that in our love horoscope.

You might also find interesting what your moon sign reveals about you or what our ascendant calculator can reveal about your personality. You can also find out from us what the zodiac signs and the four elements have to do with each other.

Source used: BRIGTTE two-week horoscope, BRIGITTE annual horoscope, astromedizin.info
