Horoscope: You should definitely do that this January – according to the zodiac sign

Dark, cold, hungover at Christmas and largely without a holiday – for many, January is primarily about persevering (especially during a pandemic …). January is something like Monday among the months. And the fact that most of us managed to fail 90 percent of our good New Year's resolutions after just two weeks usually doesn't help much.

On the other hand, we can't be in a bad mood for a whole month and wait for February to come. January is part of our life and life is a gift – so January is one too. He deserves our appreciation and that we at least make a little effort to do something with it. The only question that arises is: what …?

As with most questions, the stars can provide inspiration and orientation for us. After all, how we best start the year or deal with psychologically challenging phases depends on our personality and our zodiac sign. In our gallery you can find out which To Do you should do this January according to the horoscope or which To Do this month is particularly suitable for the respective zodiac signs. It may not seem like much – but sometimes a little is enough. And starting the year with a tick is often very valuable.

Would you like to find out more about yourself and the other zodiac signs? If you are interested in relationships and partnerships, you can find out more in our partner horoscope. There you will find tips and information for all possible zodiac pairings. Would you like to know in general how the twelve types of zodiac sign act in relationships and what they need? You can read about that in our love horoscope.

You might also find interesting what your moon sign reveals about you or what our ascendant calculator can reveal about your personality. You can also find out from us what the zodiac signs and the four elements have to do with each other.