Horseshoes, lucky pigs & Co.: That is what lucky charms mean

New Year lucky charm
Horseshoes, cloverleaf & Co.: That is their meaning

We explain why the different symbols stand for luck.


Anyone who invites guests over on New Year’s Eve can probably count on a small gesture like a lucky charm. In the video we reveal why pigs and chimney sweeps are considered lucky symbols.

Lucky charms are popular talismans before exams or important events. But objects with lucky pigs, chimney sweeps or even horseshoes are often given as gifts, and not only in Germany.

These objects are popular souvenirs on New Year’s Day

Whether as a greeting card, made of marzipan or a small decorative figure, they are always welcome. After all, who doesn’t want to start the new year with a bit of luck? But what does a horseshoe actually have to do with luck? We explain that in the video.

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