hostages of madness

Dhe war leaves speechless and angry. Nevertheless, a lot of important things are being said these days, including by authors and artists. Many appeal to politicians. Whether that helps or not, it’s probably necessary. I won’t repeat that, I appeal to “ordinary” people and want to say something that seems irrelevant at the moment, maybe even shocking, but what is important: solidarity is needed now not only by Ukraine, but also by the people of Russia, who are equally assaulted and held hostage to a madness.

The young people who are now protesting the war en masse in Russian cities and who are being arrested are victims of this war, peaceful, good, honest children. This is a generation that has grown up in decades that may be called the happiest period in the history of Russia. You don’t want to go back into history repeating itself. They are also very afraid of them. And great hope in them, however difficult it is to speak of any hope at the moment. These children are being robbed of their future. And the future will be robbed of these children.

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