Hotels, restaurants… A MoDem deputy sentenced for abuse of corporate assets, forgery and use of forgery

The facts are prescribed but the court insisted on marking the occasion. The deputy François Pupponi (MoDem), former socialist mayor of Sarcelles (Val-d’Oise), was sentenced on Wednesday January 5 to a fine of 5,000 euros for excessive spending of 27,000 euros between 2004 and 2006 made using the bank card of a public company. The Pontoise court condemned him for facts “of abuse of corporate assets, forgery and use of forgery”, said the prosecution on Thursday, confirming information from the Parisian and Mediapart.

The deputy was accused of having used the credit card of HE Mr. Chaleur, the company responsible for heating 40,000 Sarcellois, for personal purposes, while he was its president. According to Le Parisien, he is accused of withdrawals and notes from restaurants and hotels, in Paris or in the provinces, for more than 27,000 euros. The prosecution had requested a six-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 20,000 euros.

>> To read also – Accused of having played public money at the casino, a convicted ex-deputy

François Pupponi disputes the facts

The court retained the statute of limitations for the period from January to June 29, 2004 and condemned him for the remainder to a fine of 5,000 euros. “The court considered that the facts with which I have been accused are not so serious but I will nevertheless appeal, because I deny them completely”, reacted François Pupponi joined by AFP, stressing that he had not received that a “weak” penalty.

The mayor of Sarcelles (PS) Patrick Haddad in a press release took “note of this decision without commenting on it”, but is “satisfied” that the SEM heat, 60% owned by the city, “is officially recognized as a victim of abuse of social good on behalf of François Pupponi at the time when he chaired it “. Patrick Haddad adds that “other troubled elements appear in the past management of this SEM, so that we will continue to use all the legal means at our disposal so that the light is shed and that justice is served until at the end”.

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