"House of Cards" as a model: Trump does it like Underwood

Donald Trump rules past parliament. Among other things, he wants to give millions of unemployed Americans more money to increase their chances of being reelected. Parallels to a dark television series are obvious.

If the parliament does not take off, the head of state rules by decree. Donald Trump wants to fight the economic consequences of the Corona crisis by decree – regardless of whether this is even legal. In doing so, he follows another highly controversial figure: With the fictional President Frank Underwood from the Netflix series "House of Cards", the end always justifies the means.

The Bloomberg news agency has noticed remarkable parallels. US President Trump has ordered further corona aid for employees, unemployed, tenants and students because negotiations in the US Congress are not making progress. Trump promises much-needed aid, including more money for millions of unemployed. For this he rededicated – like Underwood played by Kevin Spacey – existing funds.

Trump is drawing on reserves from civil protection and previous economic stimulus packages totaling $ 44 billion. Just like in the series version, in which Underwood takes the rapid rise in unemployment as an opportunity to declare a national emergency and push a federally funded job program.

Until the end of July, the additional payments had been financed by the federal government. According to Trump's regulation, however, a quarter of the new aid should come from the state coffers. If they didn't want to pay their share, there would be no increase at all. The states, on the other hand, are likely to run a storm because they already have less income as a result of the pandemic.

Elections will be held in November

Trump's disposal is – as in the series – legally on very thin ice. It is questionable whether the President even has the right to use funds in this way. Because according to the US Constitution, Congress has sovereignty over taxes and public finances. There Trump's Republicans are dependent on a compromise with the Democrats. Like Underwood in House of Cards, Trump faces opposition from senators and members of the House of Representatives, both Democrats and Republicans. It is very likely that the dispute will end up in court – the outcome is open.

In the series, Underwood prevailed despite legal hurdles and won re-election because the program was so well received by the population. Trump is also hoping for this: there should be up to 400 US dollars of additional aid per week for the unemployed, fewer evictions for insolvent tenants and a deferral of social security contributions. Trump promises to permanently lower wage tax if the election is successful.

For Underwood, despite his win, things quickly get uncomfortable. He has to resign at the beginning of his second term because of numerous scandals.
