House of the Dragon episode 9: Rhaenys puts all the fans in agreement

Episode 9 of House of the Dragon enchanted fans for lots of reasons but especially for the character of Rhaenys, which made everyone agree. Warning, spoilers.

Warning, spoilers. It is advisable to have seen episode 9 of House of the Dragon before continuing to read this article.

Most episodes 9 of Game of Thrones seasons have entered into legend for various reasons and every fan remembers their reaction to “The Battle of the Bastards” or “The Rains of Castamere”. Suffice to say that the ninth episode of season 1 of House of the Dragon, entitled “Council of the Greens”, was expected at the turn.

And we can say that the public was not disappointed. This chapter is marked by the overthrow of Alicent Hightower (Olivia Cooke) in King’s Landing after the death of King Viserys Targaryen. Her husband’s last words convinced the Queen to declare her first son Aegon as her rightful successor to the Throne in place of Rhaenyra Targaryen (Emma d’Arcy).

The pawns are slowly placed on the political chessboard and low blows and betrayals follow one another so that the Greens (name given to Alicent’s team) take power over the kingdom. If the fans loved these twists, they were especially captivated by the last act of the episode.

Rhaenys steals the show

While Aegon’s coronation is in full swing in the Great Sept, Rhaenys Targaryen (Eve Best), who has managed to escape from her room where she was locked up by Alicent, emerges with her dragon Meleys from the underground.

His surprise arrival causes several dozen deaths among the subjects and above all puts a lot of pressure on the Greens. Although she is determined to instill fear in her opponents, she does not choose to kill them when a single “Dracarys” would have sufficed. Rhaenys prefers to escape to join Rhaenyra and warn her of what is going on in Port-Réal.

But that explosive irruption at the Great Sept was enough for fans to marvel at Rhaenys and her dragon. The character gained popularity with this episode 9, which promises a masterful finale for the first season of House of the Dragon.

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House of the Dragon is available on OCS.

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