House of the Dragon on OCS: do you have to have seen Game of Thrones to understand the spin-off on the Targaryens?

Expected by Game of Thrones fans, its first spin-off series House of the Dragon is finally coming to OCS. If aficionados will easily dive back into the universe, can novices discover the spin-off without having seen the parent series?

The great void left by the absence of Game Of Thrones in the television landscape will be filled with the long-awaited arrival of its spin-off. The first spin-off series in a long list of spin-offs loosely based on the novel “Fire and Blood” by the author of the literary saga “A Song Of Ice and Fire”, House of the Dragon tells part of the story. of the Targaryen family.

In this series created by George RR Martin and Ryan Condal (who officiates as showrunner), we follow the beginnings of the fall of the mythical house Targaryen as well as the events which preceded and punctuated the war of succession of the dynasty.

The stake of House of the Dragon will therefore be the power struggles within House Targaryen and the identity of the successor to King Viserys I who will access the famous and coveted Iron Throne.

The first season of House of the Dragon started its broadcast this Monday, August 22 exclusively on OCS antennas with the inaugural episode. And the series will then be available at the rate of one episode per week simultaneously in the US at 3am.

Should we catch up on Game of Thrones before seeing House of the Dragon?

Although House of the Dragon is a spin-off of Game of Thrones, it is not necessary to have seen the famous show to discover the spin-off series. Indeed, House of the Dragon is a prequel to Game of Thrones and takes place almost two centuries before Game of Thrones.

So you don’t need to know the events that take place in Game of Thrones to understand the stakes of House of the Dragon, which is a very political series. The show tells us about the decline of the Targaryen dynasty due to the power struggles, betrayals, alliances and wars that have eaten away at this powerful family.

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The series begins precisely 172 years before the death of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen and the birth of his daughter Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), one of the heroines of Game of Thrones, whom anyone knows, even those who have not seen the series.

Obviously, fans of the first hour of Game of Thrones will be delighted to find the mythical places of the universe like King’s Landing or Dragonstone, but also to learn more about the mythology of Game of Thrones, the ancestors of Daenerys and other prestigious families and a certain threat beyond the Wall.

So that neophytes can also enjoy House of the Dragon, the context is perfectly explained from the first episode with a voiceover and a box that lays the foundations of the plot. Even though there are some elements that might escape you at first, you will be able to become familiar with the universe as the episodes go by like Game of Thrones audiences who hadn’t read the books at the time.

The series’ narrative structure is made in such a way that you won’t get lost and can understand the stakes and fully appreciate the plot and the characters, even if you haven’t seen Game of Thrones.

If the first season of House of the Dragon appeals to you, you can binge-watch Game of Thrones, with all eight seasons available on OCS.

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