House of the Dragon Season 2: HBO doesn’t indulge – shortly after the “Rings of Power” trailer, a new HotD trailer is now coming


HBO doesn’t seem to want the Amazon series “The Rings of Power” to get too much attention. The US broadcaster has promptly released a new trailer for “House of the Dragon” Season 2. You can see it here.

House of the Dragon Season 2: Daemon Targaryen

House of the Dragon Season 2: Daemon Targaryen (Source: Theo Whitman/HBO)

Today the very first trailer for “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” Season 2 was released and, bang, HBO also released a new trailer for “House of the Dragon” Season 2. Coincidence? Probably not, because the fantasy series have been seen as competitors since their launch.

The people in charge at HBO are probably laughing to themselves that they already had a new trailer in the pipeline to release and steal some of the attention from Amazon Prime Video.

All Targaryens hate each other – even those who are actually on the same side

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We don’t learn much new in the “House of the Dragon” trailer, but we do see many new scenes that show how the Targaryen family disputes escalate. So much so that Rhaenyra questions the loyalty of her husband and uncle Daemon. Alicent in particular seems to finally realize what she has actually done.

Who will survive the Dance of the Dragons? Who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end – Team Black or Team Green? Season 2 of “House of the Dragon” could finally answer all of these questions.

The new episodes will start on June 16, 2024. Unlike Season 1, “The Rings of Power” and “House of the Dragon” will not get in each other’s way, at least when it comes to broadcast, because the Amazon series will not start until August 29, 2024 – almost a month after the season finale of HotD Season 2.


House of the Dragon Quiz: Are you real dragon riders?

(Source: HBO)

Which novel series is the story of “House of the Dragon” based on?

Rate House of the Dragon
genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First broadcast


First broadcast in Germany

Further sources


Home Box Office (HBO), 1:26 Pictures, Bastard Sword, GRRM, Good Banana


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