House of the Dragon: The bronze dragon Vermithor and his role in the “Dance of the Dragons”


In “House of the Dragon” Episode 10, Daemon Targaryen seeks out the dragon Vermithor, who will play a crucial role during the “Dance of the Dragons.” In order to win the animal over to his side, he sings him a serenade.

House of the Dragon: Vermithor the Bronze Fury was the dragon of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen.

House of the Dragon: Vermithor the Bronze Fury was the dragon of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. (Source: HBO / Screenshot: Netzwelt)

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In the final episode of the first season, “House of the Dragon”, Daemon Targaryen visits a very special dragon and sings a song for it. The giant lizard is the former mount of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. The man who had appointed Viserys I Targaryen as his successor.

The bronze dragon Vermithor has tan wings and is called “The Bronze Fury” for this reason. During the “Dance of the Dragons” he is an ancient and powerful dragon who melts stones and steel with his flames. Only Aemond Targaryen’s dragon Vhagar is larger and older than Vermithor. The dragon will play a crucial role in the war between the Greens and the Blacks.

Vermithor the dragon of Jaehaerys I Targaryen

The Tararyens and Valeryons in "House of the Dragon"

The Tararyens and Valeryons in “House of the Dragon” (Source: Ollie Upton/HBO)

In the year 34 after Aegon the Conqueror, Princess Rhaena Targaryen is said to have placed a dragon egg in the cradle of her brother Jaehaerys I. The dragon Vermithor hatched from this.

After the death of Aegon I Targaryen, Jaehaery’s father was named the new King of the Seven Kingdoms. However, his reign did not last long. After five years, King Aenys I Targaryen died.

Shortly afterwards, Aenys’ cousin Maegor I Targaryen crowned himself the new king of Westeros. In doing so, he passed over Jaehaerys’ eldest brother Aegon’s claim to the throne.

He raised an army and went to war against Maegor I. Aegon was killed in the Battle of the Gods’ Eye. Maegor then declared Jaehaerys I and his sister Alysanne to be the wards of his mother Visenya. He sent her and her mother to Dragonstone, where they lived as prisoners.

When Visenya died, the family fled the island and found refuge in Storm’s End along with the dragons Vermithor and Silverwing. After Maegor I’s death, Jaehaerys I flew to King’s Landing to take the Iron Throne. With his mighty mount Vermithor, the king awed the people.

After the death of King Jaehaerys I, Vermithor was not ridden for years. The animal therefore retreated to a smoky cave in the Dragon Mountains.

That’s why Daemon sings for the dragon

With the coronation of Aegon II Targaryen as King of the Seven Kingdoms, the “Dance of the Dragons” inheritance war begins between Aegon II’s supporters, the Greens and allies of the rightful heir to the throne Rhaenyra Targaryen.

In order to cope with the approaching conflict, Rhaenyra’s husband Daemon sees the strength of the blacks in the dragons. The greens only have four of them, whereas the blacks could have 13 fire-breathing lizards. Some of the animals are already owned by the blacks and others still need to be owned.

One of the free dragons who is not yet a member of the side is the Bronze Fury Vermithor. In order to win him over, the prince consort of Rhaenyra sets out to visit the animal. Since dragons are not tame pets, he must exercise special caution.

The dragon has not been ridden by humans for over 30 years and has lived in secret since the death of Jaehaerys I. With his song, which Daemon sings in High Valyrian to calm the animal, he may be preparing Vermithor for his new destiny. One of the words sung sounds like the Valyrian word “Arlie”, which means “New”.

It’s not entirely clear how Daemon knows the song. He may have heard his grandfather Jaehaerys I singing these to his mount, or his research in Pentos led him to these verses. The only thing that is certain is that Vermithor will fight for the blacks.

Who rides Vermithor in “Dance of the Dragons”

House of the Dragon Season 1, Episode 10: Is that the dragon Vermithor that Daemon is looking for?

House of the Dragon Season 1, Episode 10: Is that the dragon Vermithor that Daemon is looking for? (Source: HBO)

With the dragons at their side, the blacks have a significant advantage over the greens. But without dragon riders, the animals are of little use to them. That’s why Prince Jacaerys Velaryon decides to go looking for new dragon riders.

The Velaryon Prince calls on all Dragonseeds – bastard children of the Targaryens – to report to him. He promises land, riches and knighthood to anyone who manages to tame one of the six free dragons.

Many candidates fail and are burned by the animals’ flames. Hugo Hammer, the bastard son of a weaponsmith, ultimately managed to win over the dragon Vermithor.

Vermithor takes part in the Battle of the Gurgel with his new rider. When Stolperstadt is betrayed, Hugo uses his mount to cover Stolperstadt in flames and thus betray the Blacks.

During the Second Battle of Stumbling City, Vermithor flies without his rider. He is attacked by Addam Velaryon and his dragon Sea Smoke. Vermithor is just above the ground when sea smoke falls on him and the animal pushes him screaming into the mud.

Actually, Sea Smoke previously fought with the riderless dragon lady Tessarion from the late Prince Daeron Targaryen. This also intervenes in the fight between Seerauch and Vermithor.

Vermithor manages to kill Seerauch, but is injured so badly that his wings can no longer carry him. He falls and dies.

However, this tragedy will only occur in the coming seasons of “House of the Dragon”. What Daemon is already planning to do with the animal is unknown. In the book “Fire and Blood” by George RR Martin there is no mention of an encounter between the Prince Consort and Vermithor.

You can watch the first season of “House of the Dragon” streaming on both Wow and Joyn.

Rate House of the Dragon
genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First broadcast

August 21, 2022

First broadcast in Germany

August 22, 2022
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Home Box Office (HBO), 1:26 Pictures, Bastard Sword, GRRM, Good Banana


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