House of the Dragon: What Happens to Corlys Velaryon in Season 2?


In episode 10 of “House of the Dragon” Season 1, Corlys Velaryon returns from his serious injuries. He wants to go to war with Rhaenyra Targaryen. What’s next for the sea serpent in Season 2?

House of the Dragon: Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), the sea serpent

House of the Dragon: Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), the Sea Serpent (Credit: HBO)

Corlys Velaryon is one of the most influential and interesting protagonists in “House of the Dragon”. What adventures does the Lord of the Tides experience in the first season and what else awaits him in the second?

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Brought back by the tides and love

In episode 10 of “House of the Dragon” we see Corlys’ return. After going to war at the Steppingstones following the deaths of his children Laenor and Laena, the Lord of Driftmark has had a lengthy recovery from serious injuries.

A lot has happened in his absence and his wife Rhaenys explains to him that Vaemond, Corlys’ brother, was beheaded by Daemon for an insult in front of the assembled court. But as a new storm gathers over Corlys, Rhaenys convinces the aged captain and lord to join Rhaenyra’s cause and support her claim to the throne.

Captain at sea, adviser on land

Although Corlys actually wanted to say goodbye to great ambitions, Rhaenys convinces him of the importance and rightness of supporting the “black” Queen Rhaenyra. Her claim is the legitimate one, since she was named heiress by her father, Viserys I Targaryen. Rhaenys also fears that her grandchildren will otherwise be killed by the Greens.

House of the Dragon - Episode 10: Corlys Velaryon wakes up again and Rhaenys talks into his conscience.

House of the Dragon – Episode 10: Corlys Velaryon wakes up again and Rhaenys talks into his conscience. (Credit: Ollie Upton/HBO)

Now Corlys seems wholeheartedly in favor, assuring Rhaenyra of his full support and the Velaryon fleet. In the hall with the illuminated tablet on Dragonstone, Rhaenyra’s allies hold a council of war. Corlys’ proposal is to cut off all sea trade from King’s Landing by a naval blockade at the throat and stepping stones.

A brilliant and important idea. This is how Rhaenyra can quickly win the conflict before it degenerates into a continental war. It quickly turns out that Corlys is willing to give everything and fully support Rhaenyra. His advice and strategic maneuvers are yet to prove extremely important to them.

Where is Corlys’ journey going in Season 2?

In season 2 of “House of the Dragon” the dance of the dragons really breaks out. Both sides, the green and the black, King Aegon II and Queen Rhaenyra will vie for supporters and fight first battles. Corlys plays a crucial role in Rhaenyra’s war council.

So it is conceivable that in the future we will mainly see him as an advisor and later hand of the queen. You could clearly see his injuries in the last episode of season 1. Corlys is dependent on a cane, fighting is out of the question for him at first.

reconciliation for a common cause

Talking to his former comrade-in-arms, Daemon, about his murder of his brother, Vaemond, should also be on Corlys’ agenda. While he may understand that Vaemond’s own words of betrayal and taunting towards Rhaenyra provoked this reaction from Daemon, he must not be happy about it.

The relationship between Corlys and his granddaughters by Laena, Baela and Rhaena, as well as the sons of Laenor and Rhaenyra, Jacaerys and Gottfrid, should also be exciting.

Finally, in Season 2, we will see Corlys as one of Rhaenyras’ foremost advisors, forging battle plans and sharing and reconciling with his family. He will also be present at the forthcoming “Seed of Seeds”, a selection of new Dragon Riders, and may already be confronted with the eventual new Velaryon heirs.

Shifting loyalties

Because the black faction needs more dragon riders, non-nobles should also have the chance to mount dragons without riders on Drachenstein and Driftmark. Two of them, Addam and Alyn, turn out to be the illegitimate sons of Corlys’ late son Laenor. Although in the book it is heavily implied that Corlys fathered her herself.

Rhaenyra legitimizes Addam and Alyn to please Corlys. But the blacks are betrayed by two Dragonseeds (as the bastards of Valyrian blood are called) in the course of the war. Now Rhaenyra doubts the loyalty of all Dragon Seeds, but Corlys warns Addam about Rhaenyra. For this, Rhaenyra throws Corlys into the dungeon of the Red Keep.

House of the Dragon: Vaemond Velaryon fell victim to its own ambitions.  Corlys will hardly miss his overly ambitious brother.

House of the Dragon: Vaemond Velaryon fell victim to its own ambitions. Corlys will hardly miss his overly ambitious brother. (Source: HBO)

The aged sea serpent then changes sides and tries his luck with the Greens, who have meanwhile retaken King’s Landing. But these prove no less cruel and incompetent rulers. Corlys is rumored to have poisoned Aegon II because of this, but it has never been fully established, at least in the books, who was behind the poisoning.

But the story of Corlys Velaryon does not end here either, because he is to serve another king. After the Dance of the Dragons is over and Rhaenyra’s youngest son becomes Aegon III. Targaryen ascends the throne, calm slowly returns to the realm.

By him and his short-term hand, Cregan Stark, Corlys is pardoned for the suspected regicide and even serves on the Child King’s council from then on. His death in old age appears to have been non-violent, although in the world of Ice and Fire and Westeros one can never be sure.

After Corlys, who will rule Driftmark?

With most of Corlys’ family perished in the Civil War, the Driftwood Throne is to go first to Laenor’s first bastard son, Addam. But after he too fell in the last great battle of the Dragon Dance, only Laenor’s second bastard, Alyn, remained. Legitimated as Velaryon, he could claim his inheritance. His claim to Driftmark, the name of Velaryon, and the title of Lord of the Tides is also said to be strengthened by marrying Baela Targaryen.

Corlys Velaryon successfully carried his house and legacy through the Targaryen Civil War, ensuring the prosperity of the Velaryons for another generation. Because, as he rightly said, it’s not the blood that counts, it’s the name. However, it remains to be seen how his fate will continue to unfold in the House of the Dragon series. Maybe this one also addresses the theory that Addam and Alyn aren’t Laenor’s but Corlys’ bastards.

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genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
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First broadcast in Germany


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Home Box Office (HBO), 1:26 Pictures, Bastard Sword, GRRM, Good Banana


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