household peace at a reasonable price

Smaller budgets can also benefit from a powerful, smart handheld vacuum cleaner, powered by artificial intelligence. This is the case of the brand new Dyad Air from Roborock which is sold for its launch at the reduced price of 399 euros. In addition, from October 23 to 29, enjoy a 50 euro discount!

The entry level of the Dyad range can do a lot for a low price.
The pot of a plant that breaks when falling, with its soil scattering on the ground, the pistachio ice cream dripping onto the floor, or even the slice of jam that (always) falls on the wrong side,… If robot vacuum cleaners are fashionable, we must recognize that they are not very practical for this type of damage, and to make matters worse, they are quite expensive.
In this case, you are never better served than by yourself, that is to say your own arms and gestures with a real vacuum cleaner. This is what Roborock offers at a really reasonable price with its brand new Dyad Air. Opting for a price limited to 399 euros (€50 discount from October 23 to 29, 2023) for its launch, it joins the range made up of the Dyad Pro and Roborock Dyad Pro Combo already marketed. It is also very much inspired by these higher range devices and is essentially differentiated by the presence of a single brush instead of three for the professional models.

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Almost everything from a pro

This does not mean that it is not effective. To remove all the dirt from the floor, it uses the suction power of 17,000 Pa of its predecessors and if it has lost two brushes, this is done in favor of a prolonged operating autonomy of 50 minutes, which is that is to say more than the professional models. This is not its only asset. If it knows how to vacuum or wash, or both at the same time, the Dyad Air has a little something new. It can carry out deep cleaning of the edges, for skirting boards in particular, because its brush can protrude 3 millimeters on one of the two sides. Professional models also know how to perform this task on both sides, but with a margin of one millimeter.
What the Dyad Air also lacks is a mini-tank to directly add a cleaning product which will be dosed automatically. It is certainly comfortable, but in absolute terms, necessarily necessary when you can add this product directly to the water tank. That of Dyad Air can hold up to 900 milliliters of water. Dirty water, for its part, is sucked up and evacuated into a 700 milliliter tank.

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Smart, like… a mop

Like the other vacuum cleaners in its range, the Dyad Air is intelligent. It’s not just because he talks to you when he cleans his brush, or asks you to empty the dirty water tank. In reality, this is notably because it integrates DireTech technology. With this, it can automatically detect the level of dirt on a surface. The on-board computer will then adjust the cleaning performance in this area on its own. It’s impressive and the power level is displayed as a percentage on the screen on the top of the device. Likewise, in this location we find a red ring which indicates the dirt level of the place where the Dyad Air is located. This clever process, in addition to improving cleaning efficiency when the floor is very dirty, also increases battery life.
In fact, when the Dyad Air is used on fairly clean surfaces, it adjusts the washing power to the minimum. Its other form of intelligence is also because it is connected to the smartphone via an iPhone application or a model powered by Android. It is from this dedicated application that it is possible to refine the settings and update the system to improve it.

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Easy to maneuver

In terms of maneuvers, the vacuum cleaner is well balanced. We don’t feel any difficulty handling it, but it must be said that it is precisely because it has fewer options than the Pro range, that it is much lighter at only a little more than 4 kg. When washing a floor with water, there is always an unpleasant step to carry out. That of cleaning the mop or the brush. You will be happy to forget this constraint with the Dyad Air. Once placed on its charging station, a voice message announces that the device will automatically clean the brush. And it’s clear that it’s very effective! After the step of cleaning the roller, there is that of drying it to avoid the smell of wet socks. Well, here again, the recharging base of the Dyad Air gets to work and blows hot air onto the clean brush to dry it. Devilishly effective, once again!

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