Household: These life hacks make cooking more fun

These life hacks make cooking more fun

A sharp knife is a must in the kitchen.

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If the knife is dull or the herbs have wilted, cooking is only moderately fun. These five life hacks bring a kick into every kitchen.

The meat too tough, the knife too blunt, lemons without juice and too much whipped cream left? That causes frustration in the kitchen. These life hacks make cooking and baking more fun again.

to sharpen a knife

Your favorite knife is often blunt, especially when you need it. No special tool is required to sharpen it. A conventional cup is sufficient. Turn this over and pull each side of the knife over the underside about 25 times – the freshly sharpened knife is ready.

How meat is tender

Equipped with the sharp knife, it goes to the meat. In order to get it tender as butter, it is important to rest the roast before and after preparation. In order for the meat to reach room temperature, it should be taken out of the refrigerator early. After preparation, it should be wrapped in aluminum foil and left to rest for up to 15 minutes. This allows the meat juice to spread and the roast becomes tender. If you cut beef or veal across the grain, you get an even juicier piece.

Keep herbs fresh

The fresh herbs you just bought are limp and withered again? A damp paper towel can help. Simply wrap the fresh greens in it and ideally store them in the refrigerator. This will keep the herbs fresh for a few days. A tip: It is best to moisten or replace the kitchen towel every day.

Squeeze the lemon properly

Sometimes lemons make little juice, especially when they are green. To increase the juice yield, toss the lemon back and forth on a kitchen board while applying light pressure and then heat it in the microwave at 600 watts for ten seconds. Rinse the fruit with cold water and squeeze again.

Freeze whipped cream

After baking or a coffee party, there is often some whipped cream left over. It stays in the refrigerator for a day at most before it simply melts. It is worth putting the whipped cream in a food storage container, which then goes to the freezer. Frozen it retains its taste and does not change its consistency.
