Household tips: watch out! These are the 4 most common towel mistakes

We use towels every day. You think: you can't go wrong here! But you have already made at least one of these mistakes. Betting?

1. Hair is rubbed dry with the towel

If you rub your wet hair dry with a towel, you shouldn't be surprised about split ends. Better: Carefully press the moisture out of the mane with the towel.

2. Towels are changed too seldom

How often should towels be changed? Every day or just once a week? According to the University of Arizona it says: after three uses. The moisture in towels provides ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply.

3. The face is rubbed dry

After washing, the face should be dabbed gently. A towel that is only used for the face should be used for this.

4. Towels are washed too cold

To really kill bacteria, towels must be washed at at least 60 degrees.

Fabric softener: yes or no?

Some cannot do without the fabric softener, others take the hard way. Sensitive facial skin is happy about a soft towel. In fact, the towel is more absorbent if the fabric softener is not used.

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