Housing, food, transport… Dizzying price differences between Paris and the provinces

INSEE published its report on price differences in France on Tuesday. Between the Paris region, the province or the overseas departments, the differences can exceed 30% on the main items of expenditure such as food, housing, health or transport.

In 2022, the prices of goods and services consumed in the Paris region are on average 7% higher than those observed in the provinces (excluding Corsica), reports INSEE in its report published on July 11 on the price gap between different regions of France. This is an overall difference, all expenses combined. In detail, some expenditure items show much higher differences.

The price of housing soars for Parisian households

Between the Paris region and the provinces, the price difference is very high for housing. THE Parisian rents are effectively 40% (50% in the free sector and 20% in the social sector) more expensive than elsewhere in France, before deduction of housing aid and comparable housing characteristics, specifies INSEE. Housing expenses represent 15% of the provincial household budget and 18% of the budget of Parisian households.

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Housing-related services are more expensive in the Paris region, whether for household waste management, sanitation services, minor maintenance or housing repairs, adds INSEE. For household waste collection or plumbing services, Parisians pay 8% more than residents of other regions.

Differences explained in particular by the average net hourly salary of an employee higher by 9% and that of a manager by 28%. A higher standard of living is accompanied by a higher willingness to pay, driving up pricesanalyzes INSEE.

The most expensive public transport in Paris

Bus, tram, metro… Public transport is an integral part of the expenses of the French and especially of the inhabitants of the Paris region. And the prices of public transport are 14% higher than in the regions.

On the side of individual transport, so cars, it is in the provinces that it costs the most. The acquisition of a car, equipment, repairs and fuel expenses represent 15% of the household budget in the provinces, 9% in the Paris region and between 17% and 19% in the overseas departments. On the other hand, fuel is cheaper in the overseas departments than in mainland France.

The abysmal gap in food prices between mainland France and the overseas departments

Another major expense for households is food. If inflation is now decreasing little by little, the rise in prices has nevertheless hurt household budgets. And not everyone is on the same footing.

If between the Paris region and the other mainland regions the price difference is already high 7% for food products and non-alcoholic beverages, the difference in price between France and Overseas reached respectively +42% in Guadeloupe, +40% In Martinique, +39% in Guyana, +37% Reunion and +30% Mayotte. Among the most expensive foods on the islands are bottled water, mustard and dairy products.

Healing does not cost the same thing everywhere

Going to the doctor, paying for corrective lenses or even buying medicine… All of this can be expensive for the French. And the prices are not the same depending on where you live.

These are gross prices before reimbursement by Social Security and complementary health, says INSEE in its study. In the overseas departments, these expenses are between 13% and 17% higher for Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana and Mayotte and 9% more lvs La Runion.

In metropolitan France, the gap between the Paris region and the provinces is smaller. Indeed, according to INSEE, the additional cost borne by the inhabitants of the Paris region is 4%. They devote 14% of their budget to it, compared to 11% in the provinces.

The drugs are not more expensive, but there is a difference in +6% on services, mainly on doctors’ fees. Fee overruns are much more frequent in the Paris region than in the provinces. This cost difference implicitly incorporates a more specialized health offer in the Paris region than in the provinces, specifies INSEE.

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