How a nurse with new trade tech makes 400% in 30 days

Can you imagine making $ 11,000 (a + 400% profit) in less than 30 days? As incredible as it sounds, for Tim Griffith, a UK psychiatric nurse, it has come true.

In 30 days, UK nurse Tim Griffith has turned into a crypto trading ace, going from barely breakeven to profits that most seasoned traders would be jealous of.

The best thing about it? Tim isn’t one of those lucky guys (aka gamblers!) …

This is a story that proves (and shows how to do it!)that anyone can make profitable crypto trades! Even if you don’t have hours or a lot of experience, all you need is the efficiency-enhancing trading technology we talked about in the last article.

You can Tim’s full case study read here, but in this article we’re going to look at his path in great detail and look at the tools and techniques he used to do Convert $ 2,800 to $ 14,000 in 30 days!

Why Tim wanted to get into crypto trading: his backstory

Like many of us, Tim spent his teenage years enjoying his life and had jobs that were more about his fun lifestyle than his future.

Tim later decided that he wanted to make a decent amount of money. He wasn’t interested in making 4% a year from his savings account. For him, crypto trading was an excellent option to earn a handsome sum of money in a relatively short period of time.

But how could Tim be able to trade profitably in so little time?

Tim wanted to start trading right away, but he quickly realized that trading properly, profitably (and not the kind of trial and error, losing money and then giving up) takes a VERY long time.

He had to find out which coins to trade, free up time for chart analysis and to place and monitor his orders … and the list went on and on.

Tim didn’t want to sacrifice his normal life to stare at screens and trade day and night … and let’s face it: who wants that?

Then Tim found a smarter way to trade: with technology.

Tim knew he could only make money if there was a way he could Not constantly had to take care of every little detail and just get on with life.

And then he discovered ProfitFarmers, a trading tool that promised him to be his “crypto co-pilot” handling the most difficult and time-consuming areas of trading. So Tim could trade profitably without having years of experience and having to sacrifice many hours.

How Tim got profitable with ProfitFarmers:

1. By instantly finding highly probable trade opportunities

Instead of searching long and hard for good trade opportunities, Tim leaves his Crypto co-pilots (the algorithms and experts at ProfitFarmers) find the best trade opportunities for him.

Tim just had to go to his ProfitFarmers dashboard and choose from trading signals (complete trade plans from entry to exit) the historical one Win rate of 78% to have. No more worrying about when to buy, stressful decisions about when to sell, and losing your nerve when the price goes the wrong way.

Would you like to see for yourself how successful these signals are? Get a selection of these premium trading signals 100% free by downloading join our ProfitFarmers Telegram channel.

This means that Tim could spend all of his time trading (which makes the money!) Instead of spending 50-80% of his time figuring out what to trade in the first place.

2. Through copy trading from entry to exit directly in Binance

Tim didn’t have to worry about his trades all day, watch the charts 24/7, or rush home to place his trades as soon as the trade alert goes off. Instead, he got rid of the costly stress and emotions involved in trading by using ProfitFarmers’ copy trading features.

Tim simply selected a signal, processed the entry price and the stop loss according to his personal strategy and clicked CONFIRM! This allowed Tim to take full control of his trade setups and optimize the profitability of each trade.

After clicking “Confirm Trade”, ProfitFarmers tracked the price around the clock and waited for Tim to execute orders in Binance, even if he was not present. So he was free to go about his everyday life as usual.

Tim didn’t even have to worry about trades going wrong. He knew that if prices went too far in the wrong direction, his stop loss would be executed automatically to sell his remaining crypto coins, which made risk management extremely easy for him!

3. By getting help, market insights, and proper training.

Nobody should expect to be able to teach themselves everything. We all need help sometimes! When Tim felt stuck he reached out to the ProfitFarmers support team who quickly helped him figure out how to make more profits:

Tim learned that ProfitFarmers provides regular market updates that provide actionable insights to optimize his strategy and increase profitability. These market updates have correctly predicted market crashes (and rises) over and over again!

Check out this GIF to see how ProfitFarmers’ market updates correctly predicted Bitcoin’s CRASH.

Did you know that you can get these market updates 100% free by downloading join ProfitFarmers’ Telegram channel?

He also discovered that ProfitFarmers had a full library of educational videos and guides to get help and knowledge from. With a few simple tweaks and a better understanding of how his crypto co-pilot works, Tim was more profitable than ever:

Tim used technology to trade profitably – what’s stopping you?

Tim makes numerous profitable trades in less time, with less stress and with less losses by taking on the ProfitFarmers’ efficiency-increasing platform makes use of. Now crypto trading is something that works for Timinstead of putting in a lot of work to ‘maybe‘Make profitable crypto trades …

Tested & approved also for German cooks & gardeners …

Don’t worry, it’s not just the British who are successful with ProfitFarmers! Read here what the private chef and “master gardener” Bernhard Wagner has to say about his experience:

Do you want to see how he did it? Read Bernhard’s full story here!

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