How an American mother led to the arrest of her daughter’s killer

An American mother led to the arrest of her daughter’s murderer thanks to a tool installed on her car.

This American mother was worried about her daughter. So worried that something could happen to her that she chose to install a system to track her whereabouts. An act that will allow him, later, to find his murderer. The “New York Post” tells the story of Wendy Poulsen, a mother living in Minnesota. 1er September 2019, his daughter, Dani, died at just 18 of a fentanyl overdose. Wendy was at the time convinced that a drama was going to happen. Her once bright and cheerful child had gradually lost the joy of life, withdrawing into herself before falling into drugs. While she feared that something bad would happen to her, she had decided to install a bug on the girl’s vehicle, “it reassured me a little”, explains the mother.

If she was so worried, it’s because Wendy Poulsen’s younger brother mysteriously disappeared when he was 25. A part of his body was discovered only two years later and the police never managed to solve this investigation. Despite all the efforts of this mother to prevent her daughter from living the same fate as her brother, Wendy must now live with this new absence. “She was my everything. There are days when I don’t know how to go on living,” she explains. On the sly, the mother who first tried to install hidden apps in Dani’s phone, so bought the tiny car-tracking device and installed it under the carpet in the trunk. She recharged it regularly and then put it back in the vehicle.

“His apology was the most important thing”

Three months later, having failed to reach Dany, Wendy decided to retrace her path, thanks to this tracker. But it was too late, Dani was dead. Autopsy and toxicology reports confirmed that Dani had a combination of Xanax, cocaine, methamphetamine and fentanyl in his system. But the police still launched an investigation to find out who had sold him drugs. And to obtain these answers, the authorities used the data present in the tracker installed by the mother. They were then able to identify all the places where she had been before dying, in particular the house of a certain Calvonzo Burnett.

The latter was known to the courts for fraud and for assaulting his pregnant girlfriend in 2011. Research has established that it was he who supplied Dani with the fatal fentanyl, a powerful drug 50 times stronger than the heroine. Around the same time, in December 2019, Jordan Knudson, another 18-year-old from another Minneapolis suburb, also died after Calvonzo Burnett supplied him with fentanyl.

After his arrest, he was charged with two third degree murders. A qualifier in Minnesota law describes it as follows: “Any person who, without intent to cause it, causes the death of another person by committing an act eminently dangerous to others and by acting perversity, without regard to human life, is guilty of third degree murder and faces a maximum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment. He was sentenced in October 2020 to five years in prison. He initially maintained his innocence, even insulting Dani’s memory by calling her a “dumb bitch.” But, before the judge determined his sentence, the mother read a statement in court and as he was escorted by guards, Calvonzo Burnett, now 30, looked her in the eye, lowered his mask and said, “I’m really, really sorry.” “His apology was the most important thing. Dani made a choice and she didn’t do it alone, but the fact that he took some responsibility for [sa mort] made a difference for me. The tracker couldn’t help me control Dani and I knew he wouldn’t stop her from doing something risky. But in the end, despite everything, he had the greatest values ​​​​to solve this story, “says Wendy.

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