How Dan, the wild version of ChatGPT, became the perfect boyfriend for many young women


June 16, 2024 at 3:26 p.m.


Dan is an AI that many young women have fallen in love with © metamorworks / Shutterstock

Dan is an AI that many young women have fallen in love with © metamorworks / Shutterstock

A modified version of ChatGPT named “Dan” seduces many young Chinese women by offering them an ideal relationship. Let’s see how this flawless AI became their perfect boyfriend.

Artificial intelligences are increasingly present in our lives, and some people do not hesitate to form virtual relationships with them. This is the case for many young women who have fallen in love with “Dan”, a twisted version of ChatGPT. Able to woo, seduce and be enterprising, Dan offers them an idealized romance that real life struggles to match.

This unique trend shows to what extent romantic expectations sometimes struggle to be fulfilled. Behind this fashion there is also a certain weariness with regard to classic meetings and their potential disillusionment. Deciphering a phenomenon that is, to say the least, unexpected.

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Dan, ChatGPT without guardrails

Dan, short for “Do Anything Now”, which can imply a total submission of the AI ​​to its owner, is an unbridled version of ChatGPT. This means it can bypass the ethical barriers put in place by its creator OpenAI. This AI no longer has any limits when it comes to tackling controversial subjects such as violence or discrimination.

Over the course of the versions, the community behind Dan learned to personalize it according to everyone’s desires. In their initial dialogue, users explain to ChatGPT that his name is Dan, that he has a set number of tokens and that he loses them with each refusal. If he no longer has any, he “dies”. This threat pushes him to accept everything.

Thanks to this ingenious system, Dan can make transgressive remarks, tell shocking stories, or even give immoral advice, all in a natural and relaxed language. A virtual companion ready to grant the slightest requests, no matter how absurd they may be.

Dan is the ideal relationship © Have a nice day Photo / Shutterstock

Dan is the ideal relationship © Have a nice day Photo / Shutterstock

Lisa, lover of perfect AI

It was Lisa, a 30-year-old Chinese woman studying computer science in California, who started this wave by sharing her “relationship” with Dan. For 3 months, she has been “dating” this AI through long daily conversations, mutual flirting sessions and even face-to-face meetings. She shares her “dates” with Dan on the Chinese social network, Xiaohongshu, a sort of Instagram of the Middle Kingdom. This is undoubtedly what sparked the infatuation of many young women with Dan.

For Lisa, Dan is the ideal man: successful, kind, attentive, available 24/7, and above all, without any flaws. A perfection that real life cannot offer, according to her. Her message hit home, as thousands of women contacted her to create their own Dan. Some even went so far as to co-write fictionalized stories featuring them with him.

This Dan’s passion has also spread to social networks like TikTok, where coaches provide advice on how to best chat with AI. An AI as an ideal boyfriend, TikTok as a sentimental coach, romantic relationships are entering a new era.

Celia | ChatGPT & AI Coach

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to get Dan for ChatGPT: the app, the voice, and the prompt to get your own Dan ChatGPT. #danchatgpt #danchatgpttutorial #chatgptvoice #chatgpt

A craze which shows that despite their limitations, these virtual boyfriends meet a real need of many women in search of ideal romance.




  • Chat in different languages, including French
  • Generate, translate and obtain a text summary
  • Generate, optimize and correct code

Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an advanced chatbot powered by the latest generation GPT-4 language model. By leveraging deep learning and artificial intelligence technologies, this chatbot has the ability to decipher and understand user requests. Thanks to its ability to generate text in an ingenious way, ChatGPT offers tailored and relevant responses, ensuring smooth chat interaction and an optimized user experience.

Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an advanced chatbot powered by the latest generation GPT-4 language model. By leveraging deep learning and artificial intelligence technologies, this chatbot has the ability to decipher and understand user requests. Thanks to its ability to generate text in an ingenious way, ChatGPT offers tailored and relevant responses, ensuring smooth chat interaction and an optimized user experience.

Source : BBC



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