how did she learn about Charles and Camilla’s affair?


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When Lady Diana married Prince Charles in 1981, it was unfortunately not a marriage for love. Just twenty years old, the princess of hearts had discovered the affair of her spouse with Camilla Parker Bowles long before the royal wedding. Back to this difficult period of his life.

The union of Lady Diana and Prince Charles had, on paper, everything to please the British. The eldest son of Elizabeth II was in his thirties when he met Diana Spencer, a beautiful little woman from from an aristocratic family well known to the royal family. She had thirteen years younger than him, but she had never been married and for the first heir to the Crown, time was running out. If Prince Charles was already madly in love with Camilla Shand, met in 1970, she was then married to Andrew Parker Bowles. This arranged marriage with Lady Diana therefore satisfied everyone, in particular her mother, the Queen. If she only knew him recently, Diana Spencer then agreed to marry Prince Charles in 1981, without really suspecting what awaited him…

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At just twenty years old, Lady Diana knew one thing: the one who was promised to her was not not the prince charming she dreamed of… In addition to living a hidden love affair with Camilla, he had the annoying habit of letting her know that she was not the chosen one of his heart, even in public. How to forget this day when he formalized his engagement with Lady Diand his response to a reporter’s question. “Are you in love?”, he was asked. Question to which he curtly retorted: “It all depends on what you call being in love”. Everyone also prefers not to remember the remark he made to her during the wedding ceremony: after putting his hand on her hip, he told her that he found her chubby.

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Several warning signs of her husband’s deception have nevertheless put a flea in Diana Spencer’s ear… Only, as she explained in 1990 in a recording taken over by The Sunshe was “still too immature” to understand all messages which reached him. The most glaring is certainly the day she discovered a beautiful bracelet bought by her husband. So naturally she thought it was dedicated to her, Lady Diana was surprised to see the letters G and F engraved on it. These were the initials of the first names Gladys and Fred, chosen by Prince Charles and his mistress to live their love life in the greatest secrecy. You might think of a movie script, but Lady Diana was very disappointed to be part of the plot.

Hurt by so much contempt on the part of her husband, Diana Spencer also chose to lead her life as she pleased, multiplying extramarital affairs for revenge, in vain. If the arrival of his two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, allowed him to know an ounce of happiness, “this marriage of three”as she called him, made him live deep moments of despair. Too young to experience betrayal, media pressure, British royal protocol… Lady Diana suffered from depression, bulimia and confessed to having made several suicide attempts.

Marjorie Raynaud

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