How do I find my own style?

Style. What does that actually mean? What is style, how do we recognize it and (more importantly) how do we find our own style? Questions over questions that many of you have probably already asked yourself. Time to answer them, right? We asked a personal shopper for you.

How do I find my own style?

When it comes to fashion, trends and different figure types, it is not always easy to choose the perfect clothing. Because often it is like this: What looks totally good with others suddenly doesn't look that cool anymore. That is why it is important not to be guided by trends and fashionable role models (of course it is always good to be inspired!), But to listen to your own gut feeling. At least that's what Malin Finne, Lead Personal Shopper at the BOX40 outfit box service says:

Your own style is something that develops over time. Ideally, he tells a story about who you are as a person. The way of clothing also shows a piece of the personality behind it. My tip is: listen to your gut feeling and only wear parts in which you not only look good, but in which you also feel good.

What you wear represents yourself. Therefore, you should really ONLY wear the parts that really make you feel good and not what is trendy. Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be looking for trends. On the contrary. But not every trend suits each of us. It is important to find out which one you want to join and which you do not. Malin advises:

Chasing the latest fashion can be stressful and often doesn't have as much to do with personal style as you think. Rather, trends should rather be seen as an add-on to the existing style and only be integrated into your outfits if you really like them. A consultation with an expert, for example a personal shopper, is always a good idea to make your own style visually tangible, to question it and to add new inspiration.

If you want to start looking for your own style first, you can consider a few tips. Find out which cuts fit your figure and which body parts you would particularly like to emphasize. Because: A garment that fits well gives us a much better feeling. If you are not sure, Malin still has a top tip in store:

A-line dresses look good on any woman. They have a flattering fit that fits wonderfully at a dinner, brunch or a party – where tight, uncomfortable clothing is not an option.

If you want to find your own style, you shouldn't always just buy new clothes until the closet bursts. Be careful with trends, sort out regularly and look for your very own signature pieces that reflect your style and look. This can be belts, sunglasses or other accessories. It's kind of a trademark that fits you perfectly. And each of us has our own …