How do I make my portfolio crisis-proof?

We met Matthias Reder at BTC22, the largest German-speaking Bitcoin conference, and spoke to him about the financial crisis and Bitcoin positions in the securities portfolio.

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BTC-ECHO: On your YouTube channel “Rette dein Geld” you explain the current macroeconomic situation and give tips on how to make your portfolio crisis-proof. What assets belong in such a portfolio?

Matthew Reder: I’m a big fan of real assets. For me, bitcoin is also a tangible asset due to the natural quantity limitation. But I’m also a fan of stocks and real estate, as well as gold and colored gems. In my view, these are tangible assets that private customers know far too little about. It’s about bringing financial education to the masses – that’s what my project “Save your money” is supposed to express.

BTC-ECHO: And does Bitcoin also belong in such a crisis-proof portfolio?

speaker: Yes, Bitcoin is a fixture in the portfolio. But it is not suitable for everyone, it has to fit your gut feeling. All people who have dealt more closely with Bitcoin discover that Bitcoin is not just an investment, but that Bitcoin can do much, much more.

Bitcoin is important to me because, from my point of view, Bitcoin also opens the door to the topic of blockchain. Bitcoin is a great way to get started. Bitcoin also helps to better understand the topic of real assets. Because anyone who understands Bitcoin also understands that real assets are currently the only thing that really helps us in this inflationary environment.

BTC-ECHO: You also work at Coinfinity as a Bitcoin key account manager. We are currently in a bear market. Do you feel the decline strongly?

speaker: I would be lying if I said no. Of course, if the price fluctuates around 20,000 US dollars in the long term, then customers are naturally reluctant. However, many customers take this as an opportunity to take another look at the portfolio and, if necessary, only buy the dip with a third of the planned purchase volume via step investment or set up a Bitcoin savings plan. At Coinfinity, we are happy to work with customers to create individual, tailor-made solutions for their transaction needs.

By the way: In our guide we put the Coinfinity Card Wallet through its paces. You can find the results here.

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