How do I recognize the last bleeding?


The Kiel gynecologist dr. Dorothee Struck answered a question about the hormonal change in the middle of life

Quite simple: if you are over 40 years old and have not had any further menstrual bleeding for one year. Sounds flat, but there is no lab value that can tell you definitely when you’ll have your last mens in life, or whether the one you just did was the last one.

Unobtrusive until the end

That is why there is a long phase in a woman’s life when she does not know: Was it that or not? The last bleeding in life can also be completely inconspicuous, normal “days”: a maximum of one week, not more than two days vorkleckern, on the strong days a maximum of every two hours change of tampon or bandage … She comes not necessarily with timpani and trumpets, therefore.

Up to two years irregular cycle?

The last two years of our cycle can be very irregular, but they do not have to be. For a sure indication, when the cake for the “Now it’s over!” Party can be baked, so you wait in vain. What a pity. There are many proposals to celebrate with young girls their first bleeding (keyword: menarche), red candles and red drinks like cherry juice included. But the first mens in life is clear; The last (technical term: the menopause) we can not recognize as such at the moment. On average, it takes place at the age of 52, but the range is large.

Before the 40th birthday, she only experiences a woman of one million, but there are some who bleed more or less regularly until just before her 60th birthday. When it really was the menopause, we only know in retrospect. But one year later, there would still be time to invite the friends and toast the new era with a glass of good red wine. Anyway, when it’s time for me, I take a heavy tempranillo – Cheers!