how do you get rid of garbage smells?


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It’s not the most glamorous observation, but it very often happens that the trash cans in the kitchen or the bathroom do not smell good. Our effective tips to get rid of them.

Our essentials for eliminating odors from garbage cans

Garbage cans are likely to emit smelly odors because of the garbage they contain (cat litter, nappies, bacteria, etc.). Even when you empty it, they remain and pollute your kitchen, your bathroom or your garden bin… Unpleasant odors can also come from your refrigerator, your dishwasher or your washing machine, for example. Rest assured, for the maintenance of all these places, there are natural, effective and inexpensive solutions.

First of all, be aware that you must choose strong garbage bags to prevent them from being punctured and garbage from dirtying the bottom of the garbage can. Then know that to avoid odors in the bin, it is best to change the bag regularly, that is to say, do not wait for the latter to be filled to the brim. It is also advisable to change it each time you have thrown one or more smelly foods in it (or diapers for example). Finally, don’t forget one important thing: cleaning. It should be washed regularly with soap and water! If you do all of this, you should avoid bad odors. But if they are already installed, then follow these simple tips to do with one or more natural products.

Read also: 10 tips for a home that smells good

How to get rid of bad smells from the trash?

We have several tips for you to eliminate the smell of your trash can and save money. You don’t necessarily need wipes. It is advisable touse baking soda. Bicarbonate is widely used for cleaning, especially because it absorbs bad odors. Perfect for deodorizing! Just put some in a bowl and place it under the trash bag, or put some in the bottom of the trash can to make it work. For more efficiency, add 3 to 4 drops of lemon essential oil. Lemon has a pleasant, fresh smell. If you don’t have baking soda, you can replace it with coffee grounds, which also have absorbency.

Another practical tip: place a handkerchief or a cloth soaked in white vinegar. The latter will deodorize the trash can. You can also remove odors with clean kitty litter. It has a very useful absorbent power. No more garbage smells, your house smells fresh!

Maude loves to deal with practical subjects, whether they relate to psychology, sex, well-being, and even astro. She also deciphers new fashion trends. She takes …

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