How do you recognize insecure people?

Everyone has insecurities and many you notice them immediately. Sometimes, however, a lack of self-confidence can also be seen in characteristics that one could easily deduce from the opposite – to name just six examples …

Uncertainty certainly has many faces! Some people make them particularly reticent, others incapable of making decisions, still others extremely ambitious and perfectionistic and very many their self-doubts primarily cost their sleep. We often recognize or sense when someone is insecure, but there are also a few behaviors that insecure people exhibit that can give the impression at first glance that they are very self-confident. Or would you immediately infer a lack of self-esteem from the following signals …?

6 surprising signs you can use to spot insecure people

1. You talk a lot – preferably about yourself

While people talk a lot for all sorts of other reasons, it is often a symptom of extreme insecurity. Especially those who talk and brag a lot about themselves often do this in order to collect confirmation and positive feedback from others – be it only through reactions such as nodding and appearing impressed – and thus compensate for their own insecurity.

2. They (apparently) never make mistakes

You will rarely hear something from insecure people like: "Sorry, that's my responsibility, I screwed up a lot!" Those who lack self-confidence usually find it difficult to admit their mistakes and weaknesses. Those concerned usually have good explanations and reasons ready when something goes wrong.

3. You are often offended or offended

If a person is insulted or offended, it is hardly up to him – one might think! But that's not true, because our perception and interpretation primarily determine whether we feel offended or offended. Insecure people often relate to things that were not aimed at them at all, or grasp e.g. B. on harmless hints and offers of help as insults. One could also assume an extra portion of pride behind this – but often it is nothing but uncertainty.

4. You are always perfectly styled

The same applies here: Not all well-styled people are insecure! Some just love to pretzel and groom themselves and do it out of joy and passion. But one or the other hides behind his styling and wouldn't even go to the door to take away the garbage in a sloppy look for fear of meeting a neighbor without a mask or costume.

5. You always have the "right" opinion

Insecure people are often extremely opinionated – and very committed to converting their fellow human beings. They find it difficult to accept when someone has a different opinion than they do and persist until they are right. This symptom may also be the result of the strong need for confirmation that people with a lack of self-esteem feel. But agreeing with them on certain points can rarely solve the underlying problem.

6. You always have a statement or judgment

For some insecure people everything is somehow always clear: this is wrong, this is right, you are stupid, you are not, politicians always act out of a lust for power and the meaning of life is to reproduce. They just can't stand openness and ambiguity. By classifying the world around them and trying to bring it under control, they try to compensate for their own inner turmoil and ambivalence or to bury it under a supposedly stable structure of beliefs. But what is built on an uncertain foundation will sooner or later collapse.