how does the anti-reconciliation bracelet work?

Long claimed by feminist associations, especially at the time of the Grenelle against domestic violence in 2019, the device will gradually come into force in the territory from this Friday, September 25, 2020. We explain why it could be an asset in the fight against feminicides.

How it works ?

The anti-reconciliation bracelet is presented as a sort of small electronic box the size of a watch, worn by the potential perpetrator of violence. The victim is equipped with a receiver box. If the perpetrator enters the "restricted zone" in which he is not allowed to approach the victim, it automatically triggers an alarm. The victim is informed by a phone call that the attacker is in the perimeter, so they can go to safety. The attacker is called to order by telephone as well. Finally, the police are informed so that they can react quickly if the bracelet wearer does not move away from the restricted zone.
The decree provides that the warning distance "cannot be less than one kilometer, nor more than ten kilometers".
This device can be requested by the victim and imposed by the judge if he considers that other protective measures, such as the Grave Danger Telephone, are insufficient. The bracelet is subject to the approval of the perpetrator, due to its binding nature. If he refuses, the judge can, however, order provisional detention: "the fact of refusing it constitutes a violation of its obligations which could give rise to the revocation of its judicial control and its placement in provisional detention", is it specified.

The wearer of the bracelet is required to keep it charged at all times. The bracelet's GSM coverage is provided by several operators to be sure that it is possible throughout the country.

A device demanded by women's rights organizations

Françoise Brié, the general director of the Solidarité Femmes federation (which manages, among other 3919, emergency call number against violence) recalled Thursday, September 24 on RTL: "I think it is time to put it in place. We have been calling for it for more than ten years. It means that there is also progress in the reflection around this device (…) The device took a little longer to set up due to the confinement ". The device was mentioned during the 2019 Grenelle against violence against women. It took time to get it approved by the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms.
Deployment on national territory is also being done gradually. About 1000 bracelets are already available. They will be issued very gradually, on a case-by-case basis for domestic violence cases, first in five jurisdictions (Angoulême, Bobigny, Douai, Pontoise and Aix).
Full deployment across the country, with possible implementation in each court, is scheduled for the end of December.

It is towards our Spanish neighbors that we must turn to observe the effectiveness that such a device can have, if it is coupled with an ambitious policy to fight against gender-based and sexual violence. In Spain, the device was launched in 2008. At the time, feminicides were a very widespread scourge in the country. Policies to combat this violence have made it possible to increase the number of murdered women from 76 in 2008 to 47 in 2018. No woman equipped with the device has been murdered.

If you or one of your relatives is a victim of violence by your spouse or ex-spouse, you can ask for help at 39 19 or on the platform
Don't be alone, talk to people you trust around you.

If you are in an urgent situation of danger, call the police on 17.

Video by Clemence Chevallet