How does the DOT price react to the token unlock?

The price of the Layer 0 blockchain Polkadot (DOT) has shown no signs of sustainably bottoming out in recent months. After the striking low from December 2022 at $4.30 was abandoned at the beginning of August, the DOT price fell by a further 10 percent to the relevant support level derived from autumn 2020 at $3.90. Although Polkadot initially seemed to be able to stabilize here in September, it failed to regain the now important price level of $4.31 at the beginning of the month. As a result, the DOT price slipped below its annual low at the beginning of the week and corrected to the upper edge of the next relevant support zone at $3.62. One of the reasons can be seen in the upcoming unlock of the DOT tokens from the parachain auctions of 2021. From October 26th, the coins locked to date will be released. It is often the case that the price of a cryptocurrency upcoming token unlock event already priced in the weeks before. Is Polkadot due for price growth as a result?

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