How far will the ambitious Gabriel Attal go?

VIDEO. The wise child of macronie has recently begun a political transformation aimed at emancipating himself from his creator. At 34, the young man is actively preparing the sequel.

By Nathalie Schuck

JHow far will the ambitious Gabriel Attal go? At only 34 years old, the one who holds the title of youngest Minister of the Ve République has achieved the feat of being one of the most popular ministers – and one of the few to be known – behind Bruno Le Maire and ahead of Élisabeth Borne. But the career of Macronie’s darling, a pure product of start-up nationis it not likely to come to an abrupt halt at the end of the five-year term in 2027?

Other elected officials, who were like him the youngest of the government, remained comets in politics, such as former ministers Rama Yade under Nicolas Sarkozy or Myriam El Khomri under the five-year term of François Hollande. It would be misunderstanding Gabriel Attal who, under his false air of a good child, is a real crocodile, an old-fashioned “uncle gunslinger”, endowed with a real political nose and able to talk to Nadine Morano, on the right Republicans, like Ségolène Royal, whose 2007 campaign fascinated him.

The face of macronie

During Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, he built his notoriety as spokesperson, where he became the face of macronie for the French, especially during the Covid crisis. He is now learning at Bercy, at the Budget, a very exposed position occupied before him by illustrious names, such as Alain Juppé, Laurent Fabius or Nicolas Sarkozy. The young man has ambition, a lot even. Beneath his air of a cool thirtysomething who makes his phone calls on his hoverboard, drinks coke and devours McDonalds, there is an addict to e-cigarettes capable of losing several kilos through anxiety and stress. .

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However, Gabriel Attal has integrated a major fact, which he has been applying for a few months: to last in politics, you must have a backbone, an ideological corpus, in short, ideas, not just be a sniper on television sets. Since the debate on the pension reform, where we have seen him step up a lot, he has begun to operate a discreet political transformation with the unacknowledged objective of gradually freeing himself from the macronie and setting up his own shop for more. The young minister thus surprised by proposing to hunt down tax evaders among the richest and hunt down social fraudsters who abuse the Carte Vitale. In doing so, he took the risk, assumed, to scratch an image that was much too smooth with canonical, “populist” proposals, exhausting his detractors. His goal, he says: to speak to the middle classes tempted by the National Rally vote.

READ ALSOGabriel Attal: the ambitious soldier of macronieBut for what, for what purpose? In the near future, Gabriel Attal is actively considering running for mayor of Paris in the municipal elections of 2026. Beyond the Parisian ring road, some of his friends would imagine him climbing one day to… the Élysée. . When he was in high school, his classmates already nicknamed him “the president”, because he was inexhaustible on politics. In the final year, his classmates had even made a photomontage of him inspired by the official photo of Georges Pompidou in the library of the Élysée. Already, everything was said.

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