How is HIV transmitted? Understand in three minutes

The Sidaction association is concerned about young people’s lack of knowledge about AIDS and its modes of transmission. According to a IFOP survey published in November 2023, 30% of 15-24 year olds think that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), responsible for AIDS, can be transmitted by kissing a seropositive person, that is to say infected with HIV. A figure increasing by 13 points compared to the same survey carried out the previous year. A lack of information which can be dangerous and contribute to fueling the stigmatization of HIV-positive people.

In this video, we take stock of AIDS: how is HIV transmitted? How does it affect the immune system of an HIV-positive person? And what are the treatments that allow you to live with the disease?

To learn more about how HIV-positive people live with HIV, we refer you to the testimonies below.

“Understand in three minutes”

The explanatory videos that make up the “Understand in three minutes” series are produced by the Vertical Videos department of the World. Broadcast primarily on platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook, they aim to put major events into context in a short format and make the news accessible to everyone.

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