how many interests will you have at the end of 2023?

Finally… the Livret A rate does not move. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, announced it on Thursday July 13: the return on this essential investment will remain blocked at 3% until the end of January 2023. But how much interest can you anticipating your online banking space on January 1st?

Fiction script. Let’s say that you had very precisely 1000 euros on January 1, 2023 on your Livret A… and that you no longer touch it. Since the rate remains fixed at 3%, you can bet on 30 euros of annual interest on December 31 or during the first days of 2024? No, lost! Do not forget the month of January 2023 paid only 2% on your Livret A. These 1000euros will therefore bring you… 29.17euros in annual interest.

Test the following simulator to get an idea of ​​how much you should earn at the end of the year.

How much will I get
my booklet A in 2023?

I had

as of January 1, 2023

My booklet A…

will be valued

the end of the year 2023*

*For a stable amount saved on your Livret A
throughout 2023

Also test the

A calculation that only works for a perfectly stable savings

Attention: the mention in small letters at the bottom of this simulator was not written by chance. For a stable amount of savings on your Livret A throughout the year 2023: this statement is there to remind you that this calculation is only valid for savings that do not change one iota throughout the year. year 2023.

On the other hand, if you spend your year going back and forth on your Livret A (which is quite normal for a precautionary savings account), you risk losing interest because of the rule of fortnights.

Booklet A, LEP… This rule from another age that nibbles at your interests

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