How Meta is quietly nudging you to spend more time on Instagram

Stephane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

February 24, 2022 at 9:40 a.m.



Without warning, Meta changed the daily usage settings of its network instagram

A way to encourage users to use their favorite application more.

This is why you use Instagram longer

To fight against the addictive side of certain applications or smartphones in general, it is often possible to configure a “limit of use” in the settings. In this way, the smartphone takes care of notifying you that the fixed duration has been reached, and that it is high time to disconnect for a while.

This is the case of Instagram in particular, which allows you to set a daily time limit. Until now, the application allowed you to choose a fairly short period, 10 or 15 minutes (and up to 3 hours), but this is no longer the case today.

Instagram Time Limit © Image: Instagram/Clubic

Instagram / Clubic Screenshot

Indeed, in all discretion, Meta has updated the parameters of its application, so that now the minimum value allowed is 30 minutes, i.e. a time three times longer than the previous minimum value.

More time spent on Instagram, more revenue for Meta

According to TechCrunchthe latest (and poor) financial results of the group could be behind this decision, in order to increase the duration of use of the Instagram application and promote advertising fallout.

Meta says the “daily limit” allows the app to show a notification when the set duration has been reached. At the same time, the new function take a break (deployed soon) will take care of prompting the user to leave the application, with the option here of opting for 10-minute intervals.

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To download


  • Easy interactions
  • Engaging social network

Instagram is THE instant photography-focused social network. Like polaroids, the platform was built around the idea of ​​sharing instant digital photos in square format. Today, its iconic format is available in several versions of the photo support: photo or video story, short videos in real life, lives and rebroadcast of IGTV (video of one hour maximum): there is something for everyone. tastes

Instagram is THE instant photography-focused social network. Like polaroids, the platform was built around the idea of ​​sharing instant digital photos in square format. Today, its iconic format is available in several versions of the photo support: photo or video story, short videos in real life, lives and rebroadcast of IGTV (video of one hour maximum): there is something for everyone. tastes

Source: TechCrunch

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