How much does back-to-school cost parents?


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This year, September 1 is the start of the 2022-2023 school year, a stressful and expensive day for families. But on average, how much does back-to-school cost? We answer you!

The big day of the 2022-2023 school year has finally arrived. Schoolchildren, middle and high school students returned to school this Thursday, September 1. But how much did this return to school cost you? To answer this question we conducted a small survey within a family made up of Léa who enters 6th grade and Victor who enters high school.
For the young girl, it will take an average of €359.90 for her return to school. This includes the purchase of supplies (€183.94 euros), sporting goods (€104.24 euros), books (€49.60 euros) and all ancillary costs (€22.12).
For his brother, the cost of going back to high school is a little higher: 414.87 € euros. Although the budget devoted to Léa’s return to school is down -6.26%, compared to 2021, as reported the study on the cost of schooling 2022 by the Trade Union Confederation of Families and that of Victor shows -2.49% compared to last year, the price of school supplies remains a very high burden for families.

Solutions to overcome these expenses

So, to fight against this galloping inflation, families to reorganize and resort to many tricks to meet their expenses. Between low prices, promotions, batch purchases, supplies reused from one year to the next, there are many ideas for lowering the bill.

To help low-income families, the government offers financial aid: the back-to-school allowance (ARS). Each year, approximately 5 million children, aged 6 to 18, are beneficiaries of this bonus. The amount paid depends on the age of the children: €392.05 for a child aged 6 to 10, €413.69 for children aged 11 to 14 and €428.02 for those aged 15 to 18.

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Since May 2021, Pauline has joined the Aufeminin team. A journalism student, Pauline is currently on a work-study program and writes for the Aufeminin and Parole de Mamans websites. Curious and passionate, she…

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