How much will you earn on your Cnav and Agirc-Arrco pensions?

Resumption or continuing an activity after retirement will now be much more attractive, financially speaking. Provided you go full rate! But how much more can you expect to receive on your basic and supplementary pensions? Here are two numerical examples.

Returning to work after retirement is possible. This was already the case. But the pension reform aims precisely to encourage non-withdrawals to continue contributing. And this with a key carrot: if you have liquidated your full rate rights, this combination of employment and retirement will allow you to accumulate new Agirc-Arrco points and qualify for a second retirement insurance pension.

IN DETAIL. Retirement insurance, Agirc-Arrco… Why combining employment and retirement is becoming more interesting

Continuing or resuming a salaried activity will obviously allow you to receive double remuneration during the time of combining employment and retirement, in the full cumulative formula (read the article in detail above). This was already the case. The novelty concerns the new rights. It remains to be seen how much more you will earn, on your pension thus boosted, once you have stopped all paid activity. MoneyVox asked the retirement firm Origami & Co to carry out simulations.

Example 1. Mathilde works part-time for 3 years

What accumulation? Mathilde retired in 2023, full rate, age 65. She receives a total gross pension of 2000 euros (Cnav + Agirc-Arrco). She carries out a new part-time activity, with a salary of 1200 euros gross, for 3 years combined with employment and retirement.

How much? 43 euros gross per month in addition to his basic pension, and 18 euros gross per month to his Agirc-Arrco pension, i.e. 61 euros more thanks to his 3 years of combined part-time employment and retirement.

Example 2. Jol takes up an activity paying 3000 euros monthly

What accumulation? Jol retired in 2023, full rate age 65. He has a pension of 3000 euros in total (basic + supplementary). He has a new full-time job, for a new salary of 3000 euros net, for 1 year.

How much? 48 euros gross per month in addition to his general system pension paid by Carsat, and 18 euros gross per month to his supplement, i.e. 66 euros more thanks to his additional year of combined full-time employment and retirement and with a substantial salary.

How much, maximum?

Retirement insurance. Your basic pension cannot exceed 5% of the annual social security ceiling, which currently corresponds to 2200 euros per year and therefore a little more than 183 euros per month, maximum, knowing that this annual ceiling is revalued each year ( 193 euros per month maximum in 2024). To reach this ceiling you have to work 10 years with a salary of 1600 euros per month or 3000 euros over 5 yearsestimates Marilyn Vilardebo, president and founder of Origami & Co.

Agirc-Arrco. The new rights or additional points will be limited to the annual Social Security ceiling, a maximum of 3,864 euros for accumulation ending in 2024.

To know. If you continue in the same company, without a transition period, then you will only contribute for new retirement rights after the first 6 months after the liquidation of your retirement rights.

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