How often a couple has sex depends on 6 factors


Do you have sex once a day, week or month? These six things can have a negative impact on your lust.

No matter how much they love each other, there are couples who rarely have sex. The problem: Often they move away from each other without realizing it. Why lust flutes can depend on different things. These six factors especially affect the pleasure.

1. Stress

Whether at work, with the family or health problems – who has a lot of stress around the ears, who has less desire for sex. Too bad, because lovemaking could be a great way to relax. As it says: treat yourself to enough breather in everyday life – and sometimes drive off spontaneously for two a weekend. Best without a mobile phone and laptop!

2. Dispute

Sure, there is the famous reconciliation sex. But whoever zofft several times a week has less desire for each other. Somehow logical, after all, you spend most of your time sulking …

3. Children

Of course, children are not a general pleasure killer. But it is quite normal that you have less sex shortly after birth. First, because the woman can still have physical problems and second, because once everything revolves around the child. Sleepless nights included!

4. Inertia

Do you know the Panda syndrome ? Sometimes couples are just too lazy to have sex. Somehow the sluggishness creeps into the bedroom and it increasingly costs “overcoming” to get intimate. The first step out of misery is to recognize inertia as such and consciously counteract it.

5. Uncertainty

Does the other want sex at all or will I get a basket again? When couples do not speak openly about their needs, misunderstandings can quickly arise. For fear of rejection, they then hold back in terms of sex – and have hardly any. Ergo: talk, talk, talk!

6. Medication

Certain tablets, such as the pill or antidepressants, can have a negative effect on libido. And where less desire, as well as less sex. Maybe it helps to switch to another drug. The best way to get advice from the doctor.