How often should you clean your doormat? : Current Woman Le MAG

While it is an item used daily and by everyone in the household, the doormat is rarely cleaned as often as it should be. Indeed, this carpet on which our shoes pass and iron accumulates bacteria and it should theoretically be cleaned very regularly.

How often and how to clean your doormat

Ideally, you should clean your doormat once a week. You’ll easily know if it’s time to wash it if dirt or mud builds up on it or, for a microfiber rug, if it no longer absorbs properly. Theoretically you should therefore wash it more often in winter (up to twice a week) than in summer.

If it is not recommended to put it in the washing machine where it could be damaged, you can first simply vacuum it. If it’s insufficient, it’s quite easy to clean using a brush and warm soapy water. If you haven’t washed it for a long time and it is particularly dirty with difficult-to-remove stains, use ammonia or a degreasing dishwashing detergent mixed with water.

How to clean your doormat with natural products?

If you want to favor natural products, clean your doormat with white vinegar. You can also use soil from Sommières. Note that the potato cooking water is also a good substitute for usual household products. Leave it on overnight before rinsing.

How to remove bad odors from your doormat?

It also happens that the doormat has an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of. In this case, nothing like baking soda. All you have to do is sprinkle it on your carpet and leave it overnight. The next day, vacuum up the bicarbonate along with all the bad odors it has absorbed.

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