How often should you wash your refrigerator?


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Certainly one of the most daunting household chores, washing your fridge is nevertheless necessary to keep it in good condition for a long time. We tell you when and how to do it.

Since you use it every day and it’s rarely empty, you don’t necessarily know how or when to wash your fridge. Ideally, you should wash your fridge every two weeks, or twice a month. But, let’s face it, it’s almost impossible when you have a busy life. If you manage to do this at least once every two monthsIt’s already good.

So, how to do ? First, you need a cooler large enough to store your food while cleaning. If you have enough time, unplug the fridge and defrost it. Then get a sponge soaked in white vinegar, a basin of clear water and a clean cloth. Remember to scrub everywhere and especially the joints which clog up faster than the rest. If the plates in your fridge are removable, you can detach them from your fridge to clean them more thoroughly. Also remember to clean the exterior parts of your fridge, especially the condenser grill which is at the back and which picks up dust very quickly.

The right things to do to clean your refrigerator

In prevention of this great cleaning, certain reflexes are good to take. For example, check that the temperature of your fridge is set correctly and that your food is stored properly. Also, avoid leaving expired foodstuffs lying around, as they could contaminate other foods. And above all, do not stack your products on top of each other at the risk of damaging them and causing them to flow onto clean surfaces. Finally, always think store your food in airtight glass containers (more ecological) in order to better preserve your food.

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