How often to wash your bra? A dermatologist answers: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

The bra divides. There are those who have abandoned it for more comfort and freedom and others, on the contrary, who like to slip this piece of lingerie under their clothing, whether to guarantee good support or simply by preference. If you fall into this second category, you may have many questions: from finding tips for choosing the right size to what color to wear under a white top (and the answer will surprise you). But once you have found the perfect underwear, another question necessarily arises: how often should you wash it?

Like jeans, the bra is indeed a piece that raises questions. Questioned by the American HuffPost, Dr Leah Ansell, dermatologist, provided part of the answer. And to know when to take your lingerie towards the basket of dirty laundry, it is not enough to rely on its appearance or apparent dirt. A bra that is not cleaned often enough can lead to infections. In fact, bacteria, which are not necessarily visible, accumulate on the fabric, which is in direct contact with the skin. The doctor indicates that the most common infection seen in this area is mycosis. It is caused by a yeast or fungus called Candida. This last “likes dark and humid places. That’s why “that it is common in this area“. By washing your bra, you will rid it of a build-up of “dead cells, dust and sweat“, she explains.

When should you wash your bra?

According to the dermatologist, the frequency of washing depends on the type of lingerie. For a sports bra, it is advisable to clean it after each use. This last “is tight and snug“, and so “more likely to contribute to inflammation of the skin under the chest since you sweat“, according to Dr. Ansell.”If you don’t wash it after exercising, bacteria can enter your skin.” Concerning everyday lingerie, washing once a week is sufficient. Note that if you go to work by bike or walk for a long time, you will need to do it more regularly.

How to properly wash your bra?

It is often said that too frequent or inappropriate washing can damage this delicate piece. It is of course possible to wash it by hand, but the washing machine is not prohibited. Still interviewed by HuffPost, Laura Burke, expert lingerie and bra fitting stylist at Fit by Burke, recommends washing in a delicate cycle or hand program. Place it in a net if you put it in the washing machine with other clothes. The specialist also reminds you to always close your bra securely before putting it in the machine to prevent it from catching on the rest. As for drying, it is better to let your underwear air dry rather than put it in the dryer so as not to damage it too quickly.

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