how Russia fabricated fake anti-Ukraine protests in Paris, Brussels and The Hague

Stop sending arms to Ukraine! Zelensky bombs Donetsk and Luhansk! A single message, for two signs, identical to the letter. One is brandished during a demonstration against the pension reform in Paris, on February 11, 2023, the other, during an ecological rally in The Hague, on January 28.

Other images reproduce the same scene. Each time, a group of three men take a picture of themselves holding placards against Ukraine or NATO. Behind them, the crowd of demonstrators who have come for a completely different reason gives the impression that their cause is attracting a large rally. Then the images are shared on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.

The worldin partnership with the organization Center Folder and several European media, spotted a dozen of these false demonstrations, in several cities in Europe. Internal Russian intelligence documents, which we have analyzed and authenticated, show that Russia coordinated these destabilization operations.

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