how the RN’s favorite themes have gradually colonized traditional media


On June 10, on BFM-TV as in all media, it is time to look for the French who, the day before, during the European election, expressed their preference for the extreme right. In Chivy-les-Etouvelles (Aisne), the news channel’s reporting team came across Jean-Claude, a voter for the National Rally (RN). “The insecurity, everything we see… We can’t even go out anymore. You do not see ? You get stabbed…”justifies the fifty-year-old. “Not in Chivy!” »interrupts the mayor next to him. “Not in Chivy, no, but just look at the news, it’s scary!” »

Read also the story | Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative elections 2024: how Vincent Bolloré’s media orchestrate the alliance of the RN and the right

Ten days later, on France 2, a report from the magazine “Envoyé spécial” shows the unleashing of racist hatred by a retired couple towards their neighbor, Divine Kinkela. “Who doesn’t respect France? »asks the journalist. “I see it on TV, I’m not stupid after all… replies Didier, RN activist. I see on TV how it happens. It’s the “Moustapha”, whatever you want. »

As has often been the case for twenty-two years and the accession of Jean-Marie Le Pen to the second round of the presidential election – at the time, TF1 was accused of having over-publicized the attack on a retiree from Orléans, “Paul Voise” −, the question comes back to haunt TV editorial staff: what responsibility should they take in the verdict of the ballot boxes? In fact, voices, including among journalists, underline the responsibility of television, radio and newspapers in the description of a France sticking closely to the political vision of the extreme right.

“Who is breeding ground for populism?thus asked the National Union of Journalists on June 18, at the opening of a social and economic committee at France Télévisions, in a completely rhetorical question. Who recently put a president of a far-right party on the same level as a prime minister on prime time? − an allusion to the debate between Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal, on May 23, on France 2. Who, using sidewalk microphones for a week, has been trying to explain to us the reasons for occasional anger even though it is deep? »

Loss of contact

Public broadcasting is not the only one asking questions. In the private media too, we examine our conscience, even if it means turning criticism towards our colleagues. “There is a deplorable way of treating current events, which does not call for reflection – unlike criticism, which is necessary – but a feelingnotes David Pujadas, presenter of “24H Pujadas”, on LCI. For example, I hear about the “suffering” of glaciers or a “drama” for sardines on the occasion of the establishment of a wind farm… If we are only in the emotion, we feed populism. »

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