How to avoid and treat the hair under the skin after waxing?

Painful and sources of small unsightly pimples, ingrown hairs or hairs under the skin, are the pet peeve of all those who remove hair. Discover our tips for getting rid of it.

From the face to the bikini line, from the armpits to the legs, ingrown hairs can appear absolutely everywhere. They are often a source of stress since the pimples they cause do not go well with the beautiful legs that we like to display in summer or the perfectly shaved face in men. Beyond their aesthetic appearance, the hairs under the skin also represent a risk of infection and can be particularly painful.

Two good reasons to follow our advice which will help you to limit the risk of hair under the skin, but also to limit the damage once they are unfortunately installed. A few simple and natural tips as well as a few precautions when shaving or during your hair removal session will save you a lot of inconvenience. Objective: to enjoy perfectly smooth and healthy skin!

Why do we have hairs under the skin?

Ingrown hair can grow naturally
Ingrown hairs are a completely natural phenomenon, it is often the nature of the hair itself that is the cause. When the hair is too fine or curly, there is indeed a chance that it will encounter difficulty in piercing the protective barrier of the epidermis. Result: it therefore remains under the skin, hence its name “hair under the skin”. The appearance of ingrown hairs can also be due to the wrong direction of growth: the hair is not long enough or not sufficiently robust to pierce the epidermis.

Hair removal increases the risk of ingrown hair
To natural factors are added other mechanical causes: hair removal and shaving promote the growth of hair under the skin. For its part, hair removal, especially with an electric razor, ends up weakening the hair. It then lacks vigor to be able to cross the epidermis. As for shaving with a razor with several blades, it tends to push the hair towards the oblique. The latter will then grow back diagonally, once again making the skin barrier more difficult to cross.

Unhealthy skin
The general condition of the skin also influences the risk of ingrown hair. Skin covered with dead cells is more difficult for the hairs to break through. Regular exfoliation and hydration of the skin are therefore two essential concepts to avoid hair under the skin. Likewise, the horsehair glove and the shower flower, when used too frequently or with too much force, tend to thicken and dry out the skin.

How to get a hair out under the skin?

Hydrogen peroxide or wet compress
Once the ingrown hair is there, the key is to soften the skin so that it can be released quickly in order to limit the risk of infection. Hydrogen peroxide, which you will have poured a few drops on a cotton ball, is a simple way to obtain the desired result. Secure it at the level of the ingrown hair using a bandage or plaster overnight. In the morning, press around the affected area to get the hair out under the skin.

Green clay
You can apply green clay liberally to the ingrown hair and leave it on for several minutes. This asset has the effect of making it rise to the surface. You can then easily extract it with the tweezers. If green clay is not part of your beauty products, a similar approach is to use hot water on a compress, which will similarly help the hair to rise to the surface of the skin.

The scrub
Exfoliation is one of the very common treatments for ingrown hair. Whether you do it with salt crystals, sugar beans, or coffee, this method has the benefits of removing dead skin and softening the skin, clearing the way for ingrown hair with its ability to exfoliate. It is also advisable to scrub the area to be depilated the day before or the same day before the shaving or waxing session.

How to avoid the appearance of an ingrown hair?

Wear loose clothing
If you are regularly prone to ingrown hairs, especially on the bikini area, perhaps you are wearing underwear that is too tight. The compression and humidity generated promote inflammation. Choose underwear made from natural materials such as cotton and choose them rather loose. Even better: don’t hesitate to break free from your panties at night to let your skin breathe. Likewise in the armpits, the friction of synthetic materials tends to promote irritation.

Take care of your skin
To limit the risk of ingrown hair, it is essential to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Objective: to keep your epidermis thin and supple, thick and hard skin being by definition more difficult for the hair to pass through. In the shower, treat yourself to a scrub once or twice a week. Then, moisturize all the skin on your body with a dedicated cream or oil, especially the day before waxing.

Change hair removal or shaving mode
Shaving with a razor with a blade and an electric epilator are the two ways to remove the hair that causes the most ingrown hairs. If you notice that you are particularly sensitive to these minor inconveniences, you can simply opt for another hair removal method. Waxing is considered the safest method. After the session, the application of a post-depilatory oil not only preserves the hydration of the skin, but also dissolves the small wax residues that can block the exit of the hairs and force them to grow back diagonally. .

Opt for permanent hair removal
If you really don’t want to hear about hair under your skin or even hair at all, permanent hair removal is certainly the most radical method but also the most effective. Practiced in a beauty salon or at home, depending on the chosen technique (laser, pulsed light …), it destroys the hair bulb. Finished the problem of the ingrown hair which points the tip of its nose to the regrowth!

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