How to avoid having your bike stolen? Understand in three minutes

The Ministry of the Interior counts more than 300,000 bicycles stolen each year in France, in its annual “Living environment and security” survey. This figure is underestimated because not every theft is the subject of a complaint. Detailed surveys by the Ministry of Transport, in 2008 and then in 2019, estimated the proportion of households who were victims of theft during the previous year at 2%, or around 570,000 cases per year.

Only 61% of victims buy a bike to replace the one that was stolen from them, making bike theft a major obstacle to its practice in France.

Manufacturers offer anti-theft accessories in many shapes, but also of varying effectiveness: from chains to U-shaped padlocks and cables. In this video, The world reviews different types of locks and techniques for securing your bike in the city in order to minimize the risk of having it stolen. Because, as the video shows, no system is inviolable.

“Understand in three minutes”

The explanatory videos that make up the “Understand in three minutes” series are produced by the Vertical Videos department of the World. Broadcast primarily on platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook, they aim to put major events into context in a short format and make the news accessible to everyone.

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