how to best relieve baby?

Particularly feared by young parents, the famous infant colic is difficult to relieve. While there is no quick fix, it is possible to reduce the symptoms. We explain how.

What is infant colic?

First of all, you should know that not all babies have colic. These only affect a quarter of infants in the first three months of life. It is also not, as one might imagine, "colic" in the sense of severe diarrhea. In reality, colic is manifested above all by particularly prolonged crying (more than 3 hours per day). When babies are colicky, they may squirm, stiffen, turn red, have a hard stomach, or have gas that can be difficult to evacuate. He is showing real signs of pain and his sleep may be disturbed. Other than that, this is a perfectly healthy baby who is gaining weight. We therefore speak of colic when this crying is not related to a particular pathology, after consultation with the doctor. These colic are generally more intense at the end of the day and the first part of the night.

When do they occur in children?

A priori, colic does not appear from the first days of life, but rather the first weeks: from the third week, with a peak around the sixth week, before calming down to normally disappear as they happened. at the age of three or, at most, four months. Infant colic is said to be less frequent with exclusive breastfeeding compared to babies fed formula made from cow's milk.

Infant colic, impressive but harmless

For doctors, colic is a normal developmental stage. Even though they are difficult for parents to live with, they should not be a cause for concern. As explained above, we talk about colic when no pathology has been identified: baby is growing well, his diapers are wet and he is quite toned. For bottle-fed babies, cow's milk protein allergy is very rare (only 2-8% of children cry paroxysmally). Note that studies have shown that a recurrent migraine in mothers and passive smoking could be triggers.

Anti-colic solutions and products: our advice

In addition to gently rocking him and offering him a calm and soothing environment – we avoid over-stimulating baby, especially at night – there are many solutions to relieve baby's colic while waiting for it to subside. same.

Anti-colic massages
Massages are often the first solution recommended by pediatricians. We recommend that you gently fold and unfold baby's legs at the level of his belly, when he is flat on his back. It helps him get his gas out. You can also gently rotate your legs clockwise while doing a little abdominal massage, also clockwise.

Carry baby
Babies with colic generally enjoy being carried on their parent's forearm with their palms under their tummy. It relieves pain. You can also put your baby on his stomach on his play mat, always in the presence of an adult to avoid any risk of sudden death. Another solution: carry the infant as much as possible in a baby carrier, his small belly facing us. Not only does this contact soothe him greatly, but it also helps his digestion. The American Academy Pediatrics even recommends an evening car ride to calm crying!

Probiotics for infant colic
If the exact causes of colic are still unclear, specialists however suspect an immaturity of the digestive system in infants. To guard against this, some mothers who want to breastfeed take probiotics before and after giving birth. Probiotics can also be given directly to the infant to help build up a healthy gut flora, such as Biogaia from PediAct or Physionorm Baby from ImmuBio (5 drops per day). Always seek the advice of your doctor or pediatrician first.

Windi®, the anti-colic trick
Less well known, Windi® is a product of the ScandiBaby brand. It is a small, soft, flexible catheter that is inserted into a child's anus to help him pass his gas or stool. The treatment, often very effective, lasts at least 1 minute and continues as long as you hear gas. Surprising but validated by the mothers of the editorial!

CALMOSINE Digestion Bio is a food supplement of natural origin based on fennel, lime blossom and orange blossom. Its objective is to improve the digestive comfort of the little ones. CALMOSINE is used as a 5 ml drink, pure before each meal, and up to 6 times a day.

Anti-colic milk and bottles
There are bottles with specially designed nipples to give the baby the best possible grip so that he does not take in too much air. Anti-colic milks are also available on the market. This type of infant formula contains partially hydrolyzed soluble proteins, but is only recommended in the case of a proven allergy to cow's milk proteins.

Do not multiply feedings

To help baby digest well, finally avoid over-multiplying food intake. This is particularly relevant for breastfed babies: in fact, the milk at the start of a feed is less digestible than that at the end of the feed, which is also more fatty and nourishing. So try to offer only one breast per feed to be sure the baby has emptied your breast.

Finally, do not hesitate to consult your general practitioner, pediatrician or midwife in case of doubt. They will know how to support you and rule out any other medical cause.

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