how to breastfeed my child?

/ Mom / Baby / Coronavirus: is it still possible to breastfeed my child?

Many mothers breastfeed their babies, either breastfeeding or using a breast pump, but with the worldwide coronavirus epidemic, it is important to take some precautions to avoid not contaminate your child.

Breastfeeding remains an almost universal practice and is always encouraged, especially thanks to the natural nutrients that make up breast milk, the white blood cells, proteins, amino acids, oligosaccharides, enzymes, growth factors, hormones, vitamins, minerals, antibodies, long chain fatty acids as well as micro-RNA. But following the Covid-19 epidemic which has spread rapidly since December 31 around the world, mothers are wondering about this practice.

Monitored breastfeeding

First, rest assured, it is possible to continue feeding your child with breast milk, depending on the state of your health. "Given the benefits of breast milk and its insignificant role in the transmission of other respiratory viruses, mother can continue breastfeeding", emphasizes UNICEF.

In any case, if you have any doubts about your condition, consult your attending physician or call the number dedicated to 0800 130 000. "All mothers living in regions at risk of the virus or at risk with symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty breathing should seek immediate medical attention and follow his instructions.", says Unicef.

Here is a list of the recommendations of Unicef ​​and WHO:

  • "Mothers with symptoms, but who are well enough to breastfeed, should wear a mask near their child (including when they are feeding him) "
  • It is necessary "carefully observe hygienic gestures hands before any close contact with it "
  • It is necessary "clean / disinfect contaminated surfaces, as should anyone who is suspected or confirmed to be COVID-19 infected and in contact with other people, including children "
  • "Mothers too sick to breastfeed should be encouraged to express milk and give it to their babyt use a clean cup and / or spoon – while observing the same infection prevention methods."

The World Health Organization (WHO) therefore recommends that family members maintain a safety distance of at least one meter with the sick people present in the home, to limit the risks for the baby and the mother.

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