how to calculate your pension at age 64 or 67 with the official simulator

The official simulator common to all schemes, on, has been up to date with the changes to the pension reform since mid-June. You can now accurately simulate the amount of your future pension at legal age, at full rate age, or even at age 67.

The official simulator was promised for the month of June. It has been online since June 12 and, verified by MoneyVox, it actually works without bugs with the changes caused by the pension reform. Victim of too many connections on launch day, it was however temporarily under maintenance but accessible since without apparent difficulty.

To access it, go to the portal of the Union Retraite group,, which brings together all the main schemes, including Retirement Insurance, the basic scheme, or the main supplementary scheme, Agirc-Arrco, but also the SRE for civil servants, the CNAVPL for the liberal professions, etc. An unbeatable advantage, since this simulator is the only one where the information on your career collected by the different schemes is already known on a single portal.

Then connect, by creating yourself or using your identifiers, or via FranceConnect (identifying, Ameli, La Poste, etc.). Once connected, click on My retirement estimate.

retirement info

Screenshots taken on June 12, 2023 on

There, you have the choice: a detailed and personalized simulation, where you can adapt your anticipated income for your end of career. Or the choice of speed: see my estimate with income filled in by default for your last years of career.


You come across a dominant green and gray screen with an estimate of your retirement at the legal age, 64, but also the age of the full rate, which depends on your validated quarters, and a third estimate at the age of the automatic full rate , 67 years old.


This simulator, called M@rel and developed by the Agirc-Arrco departments on behalf of the Union Retraite, is supposed to be up to date with all the changes in the reform. Including, in theory, for early departures at 60, 62 or 63 years old. According to the Union Retraite group, this new version incorporates the raising of the legal retirement age, the new conditions for early retirement for long careers and the increase in the minimum pension.

Manual. Use the simulator step by step

A simulator offered via the sites of the different schemes

This same M@rel simulator is deployed on the web portals of most schemes, such as Agirc-Arrco and Pension Insurance, which integrate this same updated simulator. We have the responsibility [de fournir] to customers [une] simplified, unified information, without having to go around the different schemes, insisted at the end of March Didier Weckner, vice-president of Agirc-Arrco and also current chairman of the board of directors of the GIP Union Retraite (which manages Info-Retraite. Fr).

How much will you get in retirement? The match before/after reform for 5 profiles

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