How to cancel an order on Amazon? : Current Woman Le MAG

In the event of a problem with an order, the American giant Amazon has put in place simple procedures to allow rapid cancellation. A few clicks from your personal account are enough to cancel an order. Furthermore, cancellation is possible before shipping and even if the order has already been shipped. Please note, cancellation conditions may vary depending on the type of seller.

How to cancel an order already paid on Amazon?

On Amazon, items may be sold by the site itself (and shipped from their warehouses) or by third-party sellers. In both cases, the procedure is the same. Go to your account, then select the “Your orders” tab. Find the order you want to cancel and click “Cancel Items”. If it contains several objects, check the objects concerned then click on “Cancel selected items”. If the order depends on a third-party seller, the cancellation of the order may concern the entire basket and not a particular item. Be careful though, as canceling a shipped Amazon order doesn’t work the same way. If the shipment has left, still in your account, click on “Track a package”, then on “Cancel this delivery”.

How to get a refund for a canceled order on Amazon?

If you choose to cancel an Amazon order, the refund is usually done automatically. In the case of an order canceled before shipment, the money is refunded after confirmation of the cancellation. The refund period for a canceled order then varies depending on the payment method used. For payment by credit card, it takes between 3 and 10 days to be reimbursed. If you paid with your Amazon wallet, the refund will be processed in approximately 2 hours.

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