How to clean a chocolate stain from clothing? Here is the unstoppable tip with a spoon and detergent: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Between stains of mascara, foundation, lipstick, or even nail polish, our clothes come in all colors. And that’s not all… There are also the stains we make with food which are just as tough: grease stains, red wine stains, tomato sauce stains… Without forgetting the chocolate stain for the most greedy. Besides, if the latter is fresh, here is an easy and quick tip to get rid of it on the site The Beautiful Address.

The trick to cleaning a fresh chocolate stain from clothing with a spoon and detergent

If you have just spilled a few drops of chocolate on clothing, you must act quickly to clean it properly. Here are the different steps to follow. Start by removing excess chocolate from the fabric using a clean spoon, you must act carefully so as not to spread the dirt further. “Then mix a drop of liquid laundry detergent in a bowl of cold water. Too hot water could ‘cook’ the chocolate stain“, we can read on the site. Take a clean sponge or microfiber towel and gently rub the stain, making sure to extend the cleaning beyond, to avoid creating an area. Rinse the item of clothing thoroughly with cold water, then put your laundry in the machine and that’s it!

This tip works just as well on cotton clothes as those made of synthetic, linen, wool, silk or satin.

White vinegar, lemon, milk… How to remove an already encrusted chocolate stain?

For all stains already embedded in the fabric, it is preferable to use white vinegar, lemon or milk because these ingredients are more effective in this case. For the white vinegar trick, you must first scrape off the excess chocolate gently with your nails. “Rub the area to be treated using a clean cloth soaked in vinegar“, explain The Beautiful Address. Then, rinse the garment with cold water to complete the pre-wash. Finally, clean your stained garment in the washing machine. When it comes out of the drum, your fabric is like new!

When you stain a light-colored garment you often panic, but don’t worry, here is the procedure to follow. All you need is half a fresh lemon (if you don’t have one on hand, this also works with bottled lemon juice). Squeeze the lemon over the chocolate smear. “We then rub the stained fabric between our fingers in order to penetrate the lemon juice, known for its bleaching properties“, we can read on the site. Leave it to act for 10 minutes, then place the garment in the washing machine. And presto, the stain is gone!

There is one last grandmother’s tip for cleaning a chocolate stain. All you need to do is bring fresh milk and pour it onto the dirt. Continue by rubbing the fabric of the garment between your fingers. Again, leave it to act for 10 minutes. Then, put your stained garment in the washing machine. Once cleaning is finished, your sweater is completely clean!

Source: “How to remove a chocolate stain? All our tips!” The Beautiful Address

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