How to clear your history of videos viewed on TikTok

You have to go to the settings of the mobile application to find the option to delete all videos seen on TikTok.

Like others, you may consume a lot of videos on TikTok: France is very fond of the application, because it takes a growing share of the Internet network. And, by dint of seeing it, you allow the TikTok algorithm to identify you very well. This is how it can send you videos related to your preferences.

Do you want to break through this algorithmic bubble that has formed around you, by dint of seeing more or less the same videos? One option you have is to delete the history of viewed videos. The application is based in particular on what you have viewed recently to feed you with identical content.

This history is also used to easily find a TikTok video that you want to see again, and that you zapped a little too quickly before having had time to put it in your favorites. To pass this sweep, you will have to go through the application, on iOS or Android. The setting is not (yet?) deployed on the website side.

The method to clear the history of videos viewed on TikTok

  • Launch the TikTok app on your smartphone;
  • Click on your profile in the bottom bar of the app;
  • Go to the top right of the screen on the hamburger menu “≡”;
  • Select “Settings and privacy”;
  • Go to the “Viewing History” line;
  • Click on the toothed wheel at the top right of the screen;
  • Tap “Clear History”;
  • Confirm with “Delete”;
  • You can go back to TikTok home!
The main steps before deletion. // Source: Screenshot

Other TikTok options are worth knowing, if only to know the time you spend on the application – if it’s excessive, and you’re struggling to pick up, there is a setting that invites you to make breaks. For example, there is a trick to simply record videos. Other manipulations deserve to be learned.

Even more radical is to delete your account: given the suspicions surrounding the use of personal data, with transfers to China and insufficient protection in Europe, this is to be considered. These criticisms have ended up having an effect, like European legislation: a data center in Europe must precisely see the light of day to host the data of Internet users.

For further

It goes bim, bam, boom.  // Source: TikTok/Jujuficats

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