How to cool a room with a fan?

Clément Harmégnies

June 14, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.


Office fan © © Stock-Asso / Shutterstock

Tip 1: Place the fan strategically

As in real estate, for a fan, the key is location!

The idea is to create a flow of air by positioning the fan so that it can reach across the entire room. The ideal is to place it near an open window. The fan pushes hot air out and allows cool air to enter. This method is particularly effective in the evening or at night, when the outside temperature drops.

Then think about height. For example, you can install the device on a shelf to distribute fresh air more evenly. The cooled air thus spreads better throughout the room, for optimal comfort.

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Tip 2: Use outside air

To maximize the effect of your fan, use the outside air to your advantage.

Certainly too hot during the day, it gains freshness when the temperature drops at the edge of night. Enjoy! You renew the indoor air and reduce the heat accumulated during the day and, by placing the fan near the window, you accelerate air circulation.

The most important thing: in the morning, before the temperatures rise, close the windows and shutters. This helps maintain the coolness accumulated during the night and prevents hot air from entering.

The rest flows naturally: the fresh outside air is trapped in your home and circulates thanks to the fan. It’s a simple method – but effective! – to cool a room and maintain a pleasant temperature throughout the day.

Tip 3: Install two fans facing each other

To maximize the effectiveness of your fans, place two at opposite ends of the room. Make sure the fans are facing each other to create a continuous, powerful air flow.

By positioning them in this way, you ensure better air circulation thanks to opposing flows. This is particularly useful for large rooms where a single fan would not be enough to cover the entire area.

Tip 4: Use ice

For even more effective cooling, use a simple but extremely effective tip: combine your fan with ice!

To do this, place a bowl of ice or frozen water bottles directly in front of the fan. When air is blown onto the ice, it instantly becomes cooler – lowering the ambient temperature of the room by a few degrees.

For an even more noticeable effect, combine this technique with others, such as placing fans… or using a damp cloth, and we’ll tell you about it below.

Tip 5: Place a damp cloth near the fan

To optimize the efficiency of your fan, use a damp textile.

Take a wet sheet or towel and place it near the fan (without sticking it to the device to avoid any risk!). The air blown by the fan passes over the damp textile, ideal for refreshing the room!

The operation has a simple name: evaporation. As water evaporates from the fabric, it captures heat from the air, creating an immediate feeling of coolness. This technique is particularly useful in very hot weather, as it can lower the ambient temperature by a few degrees.

It’s a simple and economical method to maximize the comfort of your living space. And the most? You can combine this tip with others (like using ice, face-to-face fans, etc.) to maximize the coolness of the room.

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Clément Harmégnies

I'm a geek, tech-savvy, but above all a gamer. Fan of SF/fantasy, RPG and strategy, I have as much fun defeating the Reaper on Mass Effect as I do advancing my armies on Total War Warhammer II...

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I'm a geek, tech-savvy, but above all a gamer. Fan of SF/fantasy, RPG and strategy, I have as much fun smashing Reaper on Mass Effect as I do advancing my armies on Total War Warhammer III or refining my avatar on good old Spellforce. For Clubic, I put my passions at your service through files, comparisons and buying guides.

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