How to cultivate sexual desire after 50 years? : Current Woman Le MAG

Alexandra Hubin gives ideas for continuing to feel sexy and desirable, even when you get older. Indeed, some women take a very hard look at themselves. They focus on their little faults, the physical discomforts – pain, sometimes small urine leaks – that can set in with age. It’s a very natural psychological mechanism that you shouldn’t give in to. No need to try to hide or dim the light to hide such or such a small defect, all these displays may on the contrary give them even more importance.

You have to manage to love your imperfections and focus on what you like about us, because the key to sexual desire is self-confidence. Alexandra Hubin offers benevolent rituals to agree to boost her. She also stresses that we can trust in the eyes of his or her partner: he or she knows perfectly what he finds attractive with us!