how to draw your eyeliner line?

Tired of constantly ruining your makeup with that damn eyeliner that you never manage to apply properly to both of your eyes evenly? Discover all the secrets of the perfect eyeliner here.

The eyeliner line is the icing on the makeup cake! Able to dress, enlarge, intensify, transform, any look, he embodies that glamorous and sexy touch that can make all the difference. A great must-have, eyeliner is nevertheless far from being the easiest tool to use, quite the contrary: many even consider it the stage of make-up the most difficult to achieve. So how do you draw a perfect eyeliner without making a mistake? In this article, we will not only give you a tutorial, but also several tips, which will guarantee you an impeccable and flawless layout! To you doe eyes with a confident gesture!

The different kinds of eyeliner available on the market

Liquid, felt, gel, pencil … Eyeliner comes in various and varied forms, to each their own! To find the one that you can most easily use, the best is still to try them all … But, since your budget is not unlimited, here are some tips that will help you decide between them:
While liquid eyeliner is by far the most used, it requires a good helping hand and its texture is not the easiest to apply and difficult to blend. The felt eyeliner, on the other hand, has a more or less long and fine tip that you can use according to your tastes and desires. While this allows for a flawless line and long wear, be aware that its pigments dry so quickly that this type of eyeliner is generally not recommended for beginners. Now let's talk about gel eyeliner which is by far the favorite of make-up artist. Applying with a dedicated brush, its rendering is certainly malleable, but still requires great agility. The pencil eyeliner will prove to be a novice's best ally: not only because it applies very easily, but also because it fades in the event of a small hitch. On the other hand, if you dream of a very precise layout and impeccable handling, this is not the one to turn to.

That's it ? Have you selected your favorite type of eyeliner? Perfect. Now you just have to choose its color – whether black, glitter, blue, yellow, red … all possibilities are granted. And what about its finish: will you go for matte or gloss instead? The choice is yours … You will understand: with eyeliner, you are spoiled for choice.

The different styles of eyeliner lines

You now know which tool to use, but to obtain a result worthy of the name, you still have to define what type of line to draw! Here are some styles that might inspire you:
First, of course, is the classic eyeliner line – neither too thin nor too thick – which runs all the way down to the lash line; the marked eyeliner line, much more conspicuous and dense; the very fine eyeliner line, which barely reinforces the natural eye line; the double line of eyeliner – very popular lately – which goes up in the crease of the eyelid; the sophisticated eyeliner line, which is drawn only at the inner and outer ends of the eye, extending them without connecting them. Particularly trendy at the moment, with the latter, discreet effect and almond eyes guaranteed!

Warning, before choosing your final line, make sure your favorite eyeliner line highlights the shape of your eyes. The structure of your eyelid will also come into play.

© Pinterest / estherdavila166

How to draw the right eyeliner?

When you are a beginner, the best thing is to learn to master a classic route before venturing into more sophisticated techniques. Above all, do not hesitate to do it several times! Keep in mind that those with the dexterity to draw elaborate eyeliner lines in a single gesture, without even lifting their wrist, are far from their first try.
The easiest way is still to opt for the joining lines technique: start by drawing two lines starting from the outer corner, before filling everything in, using the level of the eyelash as a guide. Keep in mind that it is always better to start a thin line, even if it means thickening little by little later. Above all, we take good care of the comma which is the most important part of the trait. Be careful not to draw it too low otherwise you will end up with a falling look.
The first stages – just to take control – why not help yourself with a piece of tape to trace the wing perfect ? Place it on the imaginary line that starts from your lower lashes and meets the tip of your eyebrow to guide your gesture. Warning, wait until the material is dry before removing it.

These little tips that will make your job easier

  • Place your mirror a little lower than your face, which will help you be more precise in your gestures.
  • To make it easier to apply, always place your eyeliner line on a bare eyelid.
  • To make sure you're not using excess material, be sure to work it on the back of your hand first.
  • Do not stretch your eyelid under any circumstances when tracing. Even if this gesture seems to help you see more clearly, know that it will totally distort the end result obtained.
  • Coat your lashes with a mascara or eyelash curler before application to make styling easier.
  • To correct your line, avoid any fatty substance and instead use a cotton swab soaked in micellar water or thermal water.
  • Be aware that a little eye shadow in the color of your choice moistened can very well act as eyeliner if you apply it with a specific angled brush.

The editorial's shopping selection

KVD Vegan Beauty Tattoo Liner

The Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner 24H – Eye Studio de Maybelline New-York

Avril certified organic eyeliner

Arcancil Star Liner

NYX Vivid Brights Liner

Now that you know all the secrets to the perfect eyeliner design, what are you waiting for to get started?

To read also: This season, we love the colorful eyeliner!

3 really cute ways to apply your golden eyeliner

Video by Anne-Laure Mayor